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Dinner for Las Vegas homeless honors slain man — PHOTOS

Family members honored the memory of slain homeless man Daniel Aldape on Thursday with a free dinner for the Las Vegas homeless.

Aldape and another homeless man, David Dunn, were found bludgeoned to death earlier this year while they were sleeping in downtown Las Vegas.

The dinner was scheduled the same day of Shane Schindler’s sentencing. He had pleaded guilty to attempted murder in the attack of a mannequin staged to look like a sleeping homeless person to gather leads, but he was never charged with the homicides because of a lack of evidence. Still, Aldape’s family took solace in the sentencing.

The dinner, held near downtown Las Vegas, was funded through the sale of T-shirts that read “Homeless lives matter.” Two local groups, Revolutionary Acts of Kindness and Project4Humanity, joined together to organize the event, which also provided toiletry items to the homeless.

At the event, volunteers and members of Aldape’s family released balloons in his memory. On one, his sister, Keely Schalk, wrote “Missing You Daniel.”

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