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Man arrested in connection with Paris Las Vegas bathroom fire

A man was arrested Monday in connection with a fire at the Paris Las Vegas that caused $50,000 in damage.

According to an arrest report, Kenny Terry was observed going into a bathroom at the Strip hotel around 10 a.m. when three small explosions were heard, followed by a fire.

After Terry left the property, a Paris employee used three fire extinguishers to try to put out the fire before the Clark County Fire Department arrived.

Terry recorded on surveillance video after leaving the bathroom walking to the Horseshoe, where he dropped what he told police was a cigarette into a wall fountain.

He later walked back to the Paris after going to the Horseshoe and Cromwell, where he was spotted by security outside the casino and taken into custody, police said.

In an interview, Terry told police that while he remembered going to the Paris, he did not remember if he used the bathroom or not. Police told him that he was observed leaving a bathroom shortly after the small explosions were heard. But Terry said that he could not have started the fire because he did not have a lighter.

Terry was charged with arson in connection with the fire and for obstructing an officer after running away from police.

Contact Taylor Lane at tlane@reviewjournal.com.

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