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Closed Caesars Entertainment shows being charged to leave

Caesars Entertainment is issuing a cover charge to the shows they just closed — as they haul out of their respective theaters.

Anthony Cools’ comedy-hypnosis production, “Friends: A Musical Parody,” “Sex Tips,” at the former Cools theater at Paris Las Vegas; and “Crazy Girls” at Sin City Theater have all been directed to pay load-out costs by the venues’ parent company.

Caesars officials informed these shows, with little or no warning, their venues were closing immediately on Thursday. The company followed up Wednesday with formal letters specifying the terms of departure, which includes the amount owed for the load-out costs.

Thus, Cools confirmed Wednesday his costs are $2,622.24. John Bentham of Ivory Star Productions, which has the “Friends” show, is being charged $1,748.16. “Crazy Girls” producer Norbert Aleman has a $6,992.64 fee due to Caesars Entertainment. “Sex Tips” producer Matt Murphy says he is paying $1,800 to leave.

Not confirmed is the cost of “Chippendales” at the Rio or the Tenors of Rock production. The shows at Cleopatra’s Barge, where Wayne Newton and Dionne Warwick were the star headliners, had little if any equipment inside the venue and appear exempt.

Bronx Wanderers co-producer Alan Glist said he was not made aware of any fees for the act leaving Harrah’s Showroom, which is actually remaining open. Glist also does business with Caesars with “Menopause The Musical,” which on Thursday just learned it would reopen July 22.

Another production team with a show closing is Stabile Productions, helmed by Matt and Angela Stabile. The couple declined any comment when asked if they were being charged for the closing of “X Rocks” at the under-construction Back Room at Bally’s. The Stabiles are partnering with Caesars in the ongoing shows Piff The Magic Dragon and “X Burlesque” at Flamingo Las Vegas, and also “X Country” at Harrah’s Cabaret, which alternates with “Menopause.”

Bentham said he was well-aware of the contractual provision in the deal he signed with Caesars. Of course, mitigating factors permeate his show’s closing. “Friends” had run a total of six performances in five days at the Cools theater before being ordered to shut down on March 14, 2020.

Similar to other productions that were closed, “Friends” had no revenue for the past 16 months, and no cash on hand to fork over to offset load-out costs.

“We’ve not had any opportunity to make money or reopen, we had advertising contracts to pay, we had to pay the actors through the remainder of the week when we closed,” Bentham said Thursday. “We understand the contract. But the rub here is, we never had a chance to plan for this, save money for this. It’s like, you closed it, you chose not to reopen, and you’re charging us to leave?”

Caesars Entertainment does have the contractual right (and would likely argue, the corporate commitment) to collect these fees.

A company spokesman said in a statement, “These costs are a standard part of our entertainment contracts, which are negotiated with each show in advance of entering the agreement. The estimated cost communicated to these producers relates to the labor which needs to be brought in every time a show loads in or out, whenever that may be.”

As for estimates, one from here on the total load-out costs across Caesars Entertainment is between $30,000-$40,000. Or, the equivalent of one healthy Wheel of Fortune jackpot at Bally’s.

The bug-out fees are to cover union labor costs in effect at the Caesars resorts home to the shut-down venues. However, Bentham said his own five-person crew (himself included) handled all the heavy lifting of his equipment Wednesday. “It took two hours,” he said. A pair of union workers were onhand the entire time, focused on pulling apart of the rest of the Cools theater.

Cools is a veteran Vegas headliner who has certainly seen his share of entertainment-industry issues. He commented, “I am grateful for my 17 years with Caesars. Load-out invoice or not, I am taking the high road out. I will always cherish my time here. There will not be a problem, ever.”

Murphy said he’d allowed in his budget for the get-away fees.

“It seems like a kick in the teeth to some producers, but I didn’t immediately see it that way,” Murphy said in a phone chat Thursday. “Morally, it can seem like the company is beating a dead horse, but to me it’s usually such a headache to move out. Everything needs to be taken down, and have people pick it up. When you look at it that way, it’s actually kind of a deal. I’m actually under budget.”

Aleman chuckled when relating the letter from Caesars Entertainment.

“My show has run for 34 years, and just (Wednesday) I get this letter, saying I must pay $7,000 to leave,” Aleman said. “They gave me 48 hours, but I cannot move all of this equipment in 48 hours. I have a 2,000-pound-statue of my cast’s butts that needs to be loaded on a flatbed. I need more time, and I am grateful that they are giving me that time.”

Bentham said he, too, was thankful that “Friends” at least got into the room initially at Paris. But it would have been nice to have his business partner cut him a break on the way out.

“We were in a mutually beneficial partnership, but due to circumstances it would have been great to waive this fee,” he said. “That would have been the upright thing to do.”

John Katsilometes’ column runs daily in the A section. His “PodKats!” podcast can be found at reviewjournal.com/podcasts. Contact him at jkatsilometes@reviewjournal.com. Follow @johnnykats on Twitter, @JohnnyKats1 on Instagram.

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