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Is ‘cool’ hockey impact keeping a lid on Las Vegas heat?

Maybe it’s because Las Vegas has become a crazy, cool hockey town, perhaps?

It doesn’t look like Las Vegas will come close to reaching 100 degrees anytime soon despite it being Memorial Day weekend, says the National Weather Service.

After reaching 98 on April 30, the official valley measuring station at the Las Vegas airport has not come close to the century mark over the past month, and various forecast sources show Las Vegas highs remaining in the low 90s well into the middle of June.

“The weather pattern doesn’t appear to be changing for the next week or so,” weather service meteorologist Chris Outler said. “We’ve had a kind of weak high pressure to the east and a low pressure trough to the west.”

It’s not that Las Vegas has been cool.

“We were about a half-degree above normal (for the daily high) in April and for May so far we are about 1.1 degrees above the normal,” Outler said. “We just have not had any excessive heat.”

The average date for reaching 100 is May 24, with the earliest 100 being recorded May 1, 1947, and the latest being June 30, 1965. Last year the airport reached 100 on May 19.

For the holiday weekend, Sunday should be the warmest day with a high near 95 for central Las Vegas while Lake Mead could reach a high of 100, Outler said. Mount Charleston will see highs in the low 60s, so expect plenty of crowds.

Rain is not listed as a possibility in the seven-day forecast.

Contact Marvin Clemons at mclemons@reviewjournal.com. Follow @Marv_in_Vegas on Twitter.

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