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LETTER: Biden moves to abandon Israel in favor of Hamas

Our president has stooped to a new low. According to Friday’s Review-Journal, “President Joe Biden issued a stark warning to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday that future U.S. support for Israel’s war in Gaza depends on the implementation of new steps to protect civilians and aid workers.” As he throws our staunch ally Israel under the bus, Mr. Biden delivers a huge gift to Hamas and its benefactor Iran — just what they have been waiting for.

The Democrats will resort to any means to win in November. Are they so desperate for those Arab American and far-left votes that they will shift U.S. support from Israel to the Hamas terrorists? This is a huge mistake that will have adverse consequences for our country.

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LETTER: Justice delivered

In response to the conviction in the murder of Jeff German.

LETTER: What HOA homeowners need to do

Homeowners, take some responsibility. The HOAs aren’t perfect. You are the oversight. Participate. And HOA board members, welcome the input.

LETTER: Is women’s health all about abortion?

There are more recent reports from the CDC and others that paint an even worse picture, but the message is clear: We need to start being concerned with real “women’s health ” issues — and it is not abortion.

LETTER: “No taxes on tip” ploy unfair to other workers

People who only get a paycheck have to be thinking: “Why will these other people be paying no taxes on up to 75 percent of their earnings, while we are getting taxed on our whole paycheck?”

LETTER: Trump and the Purple Heart

A Purple Heart is awarded only to those individuals who sustain injury or are killed in the course of performing duties while a “member of an armed force” or to a civilian who is injured or killed while serving “with one of the U.S. Armed Services.”