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LETTER: Donald Trump has a good idea

Once again Donald Trump’s pragmatism was on display in his recent social media post about foreign aid. Instead of continuing to lavish Ukraine with U.S. aid, much of which goes unaccounted, he said we should take a page out of FDR’s 1941 playbook and enact a lend/lease program. FDR made the recipients accountable for the help with a payback plan after the war ended.

Mr. Trump has always been a forward thinker, a positive trait of a successful businessmen. Is he abrasive, overbearing and self-aggrandizing? Of course, and it doesn’t bother me in the least. He projects confidence to other world leaders and receives a healthy respect from them. His accomplishment speak for themselves even in the face of a constant barrage of antipathy from his Democrat detractors.

The contrast could not be more stark between the befuddled puppet Joe Biden and the self-confident Mr. Trump, and I cannot understand the watchers of the left-leaning media choosing the former over the latter.

The lend/lease idea is a good one and deserves consideration.

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