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LETTER: Donald Trump is not of good character

Updated October 23, 2024 - 4:07 pm

I see that Review-Journal columnist Debra J. Saunders endorses Donald Trump in the November election (Oct. 16 Review-Journal). Given her recent columns bashing all things Joe Biden, if I may quote Gomer Pyle from the 1960’s television series, “Surprise, surprise!”

Ms. Saunders posits that issues are ultimately more important than character. So I guess she’s OK with having in the White House a convicted felon, an insurrectionist encourager and a guy who talks about grabbing women and locking up people who oppose him. I am not OK with that.

I don’t agree with some policies of the Biden/Harris administration. But President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris seem decent people of good character. I also did not agree with many of President George H.W. Bush’s policies, but he seemed a decent man.

Ours is a great democracy, and we may agree or disagree about policy. But I want someone in our highest office who is a person of great character whom I can trust, even when I disagree with his or her policies. Mr. Trump is not that person.

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