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LETTER: Electors and ‘fake’ electors

In response to the Wednesday’s Review-Journal story, “Nevada’s 2024 electors include 2 ‘fake’ from ’20”: I am appalled at how six fake electors can still be walking around freely, as what they did was a blatant disregard for our democratic system. It’s hard to see how submitting a knowingly false certificate to overturn an election could be justified as anything other than fraud.

The claim that the charges are “politically motivated” seems like a weak defense when the actions themselves are on record and directly undermine the democratic process. If we don’t hold people accountable for this kind of misconduct, it sets a dangerous precedent for future elections.

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LETTER: Living under Trumpism

What is it called when a president is aided by unelected bureaucrats and unelected billionaires whom he brought in to carry out his will? Trumpism?

LETTER: Trump voters deserve him

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” It’s no surprise the signs of buyer remorse are already evident.