LETTER: Housing shortages and illegal immigrants
January 1, 2025 - 9:00 pm
There’s a housing shortage in Southern Nevada? Costs for housing keep rising? Homelessness is up 18 percent? What? Hmmm. Well … I would guess common sense and math applies to the 8 million illegal aliens that have entered the United States since Joe Biden walked into the White House less than four years ago.
There are 48 contiguous states. Rounding of course, 8 million divided by 48 comes to about 167,000 illegal entrants per state. They need housing if equally spread across the 48 states. But they aren’t equally spread and are primarily in larger cities, such as Las Vegas. Let the bidding for the apartment, house or tent begin.
Do you have an empty wallet or pocketbook because rent or mortgage payments (when you can find housing) eat up more than 40 percent of your income? What did you expect?
Also, thank you, lord, for the cap on property tax increases that the voters help solidify some years back before all the liberals moved into the valley.