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LETTER: Joe Biden, the deficit slayer

In response to the your Tuesday editorial, “Blame spending splurge for exploding deficit”:

I seem to recall on more than one occasion President Joe Biden informing the American people that he had reduced the deficit. Oh well, just another one of Mr. Biden’s lies, just like when he says his family hasn’t received any money from foreign countries when bank records prove otherwise or he says he has never spoken to or associated with son Hunter’s business partners and sworn testimony and phone calls clearly show this not to be true. The list goes on and on and on. President Biden has turned lying into an art form.

When are the American people going to stop supporting this incompetent man? He is someone who has to be led by the hand like a 5-year-old child and can’t find his way to the men’s room. He is an embarrassment to himself, his family and our great nation and is the laughingstock of the world.

Enough is enough. America deserves so much better.

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LETTER: Biden confused over inflation.

All this mismanagement has resulted in the national debt rising at a very alarming rate.

LETTER: Still after the Jan. 6 protesters

So more than three years after the riot, the government is still using taxpayer money and manpower in its vendetta to ferret out Donald Trump supporters.

LETTER: Columbia kids need to learn to pay their own way

Frankly, if I had kids at Columbia who participated in these “protests,” I’d yank them out of school, toss their stuff onto the lawn and tell them to get a job, go live in the real world and pay your own way.

LETTER: Here’s the real threat to democracy

In the 2020 election, Mr. Biden ran on promises he has failed to keep. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

LETTER: No need for an SOS on Social Security

The functional reality is that members of Congress need to keep Social Security alive or they will be voted out of office.