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LETTER: Public defender story smacks of yellow journalism

Shame on you, Review-Journal, for featuring a front-page headline about an inner-office dispute simply because one of the people involved was related to a public figure (“County office tagged for fueling anti-police rhetoric,” Nov. 13). This type of issue is generally resolved by one-on-one supervised discussion, sensitivity training and censure, if appropriate.

Wry wit is often mistaken for true intent, which was likely the case here. Without the name “Sisolak,” this report would have been relegated to page 8 with two column inches. This smacks of “yellow journalism.”

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LETTER: Power to the people!

Ranked-choice voting would be a boon to Nevada.

LETTER: The cost of driving in Las Vegas

Auto insurance rates are soaring. I am in favor of anything that will lower the cost of mandated insurance policies.