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LETTER: The Biden ecomony and the stock market

Jerry Sturdivant (Dec. 24 letter, “Biden miracle”) touts the positivity of Bidenonomics, citing the record-breaking gains in the stock markets. That’s just called a Christmas rally, which is common for the year-end markets.

If Mr. Sturdivant credits the president with the market gains, is he equally willing to blame him for the declines? I doubt he does. For example, in August, Fitch, one of the leading credit-rating agencies in the country, downgraded the creditworthiness of the United States. The agency blamed factors such as the huge national debt, record breaking-budget deficits (domestic and international) and lack of trust by the American citizenry in governance and institutions.

Does Mr. Sturdivant blame President Joe Biden for this? It’s a very slippery slope.

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LETTER: Time to address lithium battery fires

Electric vehicles are transporting these lithium-ion batteries every time they go somewhere. Let’s limit their charge to 30 percent, just to be safe.