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LETTER: Vladimir Putin gets a bad rap

Citizens of the world have been sold a big lie by NATO member leaders. The 32 member North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as it is formally known, is conducting war games in Norway involving 20,000 troops from more than a dozen member states. When expanded over several months, that troop number will be 90,000 under the buildup, named Steadfast Defender.

The unceasing propaganda line for years has been that Vladimir Putin is a crazed expansionist war hawk bent on rolling through Europe in Hitlerian fashion. But the truth is easily discovered that the opposite is the case. Putin has been in office for more than two decades and has never shown himself to be such a person. The annexation of Crimea by Putin in 2014 is interesting from a Russian historical perspective and must be assessed from that vantage point. The facts of Russian history would bear out that Putin was in fact obligated to rescue the Russians in Crimea.

We are told by the Biden regime that it is critically important for our national security to stop Putin so that he doesn’t continue his conquest ambitions. That is the big lie and it’s one that is very often used to stir up patriotism at home. Once that bill of goods is sold and bought, it’s easy to take the next step to military action which always leads to ruined civilian lives while the leaders are out of harm’s way.

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