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Some raises are more equal than others

A COLA is a COLA is a COLA, right? Well, not exactly.

The cost-of-living adjustment for those inside Clark County government is 2 percent a year (“Commissioners approve pay hikes for union employees,” June 22 Review-Journal).

The COLA for the indexed-to-inflation gasoline tax is 4.5 percent a year through 2026 (“A gas, gas, gas,” June 23 Review-Journal editorial).

Meanwhile Nevada seniors will receive a COLA of 0.2 percent next year after 0.0 percent this year.

Welcome to the Nevada “Animal Farm” where all the COLAs are equal but some are more equal than others.

Knight Allen

Las Vegas

Money grubber

If you are worried about Donald Trump’s finger on the button, you should worry more about Hillary Clinton selling the button.

Sandy Epstein

Las Vegas

Less perfect union

The British people were correct in voting themselves out of the European Union, which has been making life miserable for all Europeans. Its architects have created a system that is designed to dehumanize citizens of sovereign nations.

This system — on its face — was promoted to make life better for all of Europe. Instead, it has created higher debt, unlimited migration of peoples who refuse to assimilate and forced blizzards of regulations.

The reaction to the vote telegraphed by the market is a contrived and controlled event by EU creators to intimidate Europeans and other nations as well to try to convince Parliament to not ratify this vote. Simultaneously, they are also propping up the euro, because they know it should actually be crashing hard right now.

Good for the Brits and I hope Parliament listens to the people and ignores the markets and ratifies the Brexit vote.

Mike Hazard

Las Vegas

Held back

With its exit from the European Union, the United Kingdom has likely set in motion a domino effect that will erupt into a geopolitical tectonic display that is comparative in scale to the Arab Spring.

The U.K. exit will likely be mirrored by change in the United States which, like the United Kingdom, has been suffocated by the leftist anchors of regulations and bureaucracy that have devastated the will and innovative instincts of the populace.

This event will create an eruption across the globe among freedom-seeking nations who have been tethered to a smothering jungle of complex controls which have held them back.

The rippling effects are impossible to predict. However, France and other EU nations are candidates for future breakouts.

This is another historic era that will define the nature of global structures.

Bob Jack

North Las Vegas

Entitlement plan

I see that once again we are being told that Social Security and Medicare will be depleted by 2034. Why do we never hear about welfare being depleted?

Here is a very viable solution to the problem. Take away the ludicrous retirement and health-care benefits from members of Congress. Tell them that the free ride for doing very little is coming to an end and they will be enrolled in Obamacare, Social Security and Medicare.

I bet the problems would be fixed in record time, with bipartisan support.

Walt Dybeck

Las Vegas

Societal garbage

Whether or not it is a legislative mandate to refrain from releasing the names of juveniles arrested for crimes of an adult nature — armed robbery, murder, etc. — this practice needs to be reconsidered. If you are old enough to shoot an unarmed store clerk in the commission of a crime, you are old enough to be treated like the piece of societal garbage you are.

Until that time arrives, why don’t we publish the names of the “parents” who “raised” these poor, unfortunate teens to be the anti-social psychopaths they have become.

Bruce Schowers

Las Vegas

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