Palin book knocks Levi Johnston, ‘American Idol’

NEW YORK — Sarah Palin isn’t done with Levi Johnston. And she isn’t crazy about “American Idol,” either. Palin writes in her new book that it was “disgusting” to watch Johnston exploit his sudden fame after she was chosen as John McCain’s running mate in 2008. She alleges that he was absent when Bristol Palin gave birth and that he disgraced himself by repeatedly criticizing the Palins.

Susan Boyle simultaneously tops charts in US, UK

LONDON — Singing sensation Susan Boyle has a No. 1 album in the United States and the U.K. simultaneously for the second time in a year – a feat not achieved for more than 40 years. She is the first woman to reach the milestone achieved previously by the Beatles in 1969 and The Monkees in 1967.

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