Inmate seeking kosher meals cites Festivus belief

SANTA ANA, Calif. — An inmate in California who disliked salami was able to receive kosher meals after his attorney cited the “Seinfeld” holiday Festivus as his religious belief. The convicted drug dealer asked for kosher meals at the Theo Lacy jail to maintain his physique.

Celebrities call for release of Iran stoning woman

LONDON — Celebrities including Robert Redford, Robert De Niro, and Sting have called on Iran to release a woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery. In a letter, more than 80 celebrities said that “Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has suffered enough.”

Madoff son’s suicide followed battle with trustee

NEW YORK — For two years, the two sons of jailed financier Bernard Madoff portrayed themselves as honest whistleblowers of their father’s historic fraud. A court-appointed trustee depicted them as bungling money managers who did nothing to protect investors. The suicide of Mark Madoff leaves unanswered questions for investors seeking payback. The 46-year-old Madoff hanged himself Saturday in his Manhattan loft apartment.