Oprah fans go Down Under

SYDNEY — Oprah Winfrey joined 300 audience members Wednesday in Australia, where they were flown for an action-packed adventure including encounters with kangaroos, surfing lessons and a journey to the remote and dusty Outback. In September, Winfrey surprised her audience with one of her biggest giveaways: an eight-day trip to Australia. Audience members were hand-picked by Winfrey’s staffers, who considered them the most loyal viewers of “The Oprah Winfrey Show.”

FBI issues alert for camera-toting Barbie doll

SAN FRANCISCO — The FBI says it recently issued an alert about a popular Barbie doll with a hidden video camera that could be used to produce child pornography, but the agency stressed that the toy has not been linked to any reported crimes. FBI spokesman Steve Dupre said Tuesday that the alert last month was meant only for law enforcement agencies to advise them not to overlook Mattel’s “Barbie Video Girl” during any searches.

So you want to be a pop star?

NEW YORK — The manager behind the Backstreet Boys, ‘NSync and the Jonas Brothers is looking online for his next pop act. On Wednesday, Johnny Wright will begin accepting video auditions worldwide from aspiring musicians ages 16 to 30. The field will be winnowed down through challenges and a boot camp in Los Angeles. A final band will be chosen in June 2011.

Lennon’s ‘lost’ Las Vegas weekends recalled

His musical presence still quakes the Strip, from The Mirage production bearing his rock band’s name to the revolving fab faux’s “woooh!”-ing smaller venues. But John Lennon, slain 30 years ago Wednesday, once had a physical presence in Las Vegas, too. It’s well-documented that the Beatles played in Las Vegas on Aug. 20, 1964, and stayed that night at the Sahara. But few fans realize that Lennon returned twice more to Las Vegas, during his mid-’70s separation from wife Yoko Ono.

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