Suspected gang member released

The last of a group of men who are suspected of being gang members and who have been indicted after a law enforcement investigation into drug dealing appeared Tuesday in federal court.

Why Smart Shoppers Collect Inserts

When I tell people I’m an avid coupon shopper, I think many of them immediately get a mental image of a harried mom shuffling through hundreds of loose bits of paper in the checkout lane. Nothing could be further from the truth! My shopping trips are quite organized because I take only the exact coupons I need for that shopping trip. No giant three-ring binder filled with pages of coupons. No expandable organizer bursting at the seams. No plastic bag, metal box or bulging pockets. Instead, I carrying a small stack of coupons, each one corresponding to a product or item I intend to purchase.

Making Sense Of Housing Forecasts

When it comes to the housing market, experts are greeting 2011 with a big question mark.

Wrench in Rental Plans

We have a second home that we couldn’t sell, so we rented it. The first renter stayed a year, but it took two months before we could rent the property again. The result is that we’re two months behind on our mortgage and are now being foreclosed. We are current on all other bills. What can we do?

Decoding the Deduction

Hate to buy without a coupon or a promo code?

Moon shots

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