Simplify and organize: the hottest trends in home improvement

With the economy remaining uncertain, homeowners are tending to stay in place and upgrade their homes, rather than move up to something newer or larger. Just as economic conditions evolve, however, so does this housing trend. Simplifying and gaining control are now the hot incarnations of the “staying put” trend.

Keep fitness off your New Year’s resolution list

You’ve vowed to get fit with the start of each New Year. This year don’t. Why not? First, because resolutions don’t work. Second, because fitness isn’t something you start, it’s something you live. Stop starting. Start living.

Flu season alert: Protect yourself, and others, from germs

Germs: If we could see them, it would be much easier to avoid catching the flu or a cold. However, since germs are invisible to the naked eye, we look for different forms of protection, especially during flu season when risk of a specific illness runs high.

Top online searches show political and social attitude of 2011

Notorious trials, political scandals and social uprisings drew people online, but the death of Osama bin Laden and the dominance of the iPhone – fueled by the passing of Apple founder Steve Jobs – topped online searches and news in 2011.