Former Liberace Museum favorite brings one-man show to Rampart Casino

When Wes Winters takes the stage, the music is nonstop. A typical evening may include tunes by Jerry Lee Lewis, Michael Buble, Barry Manilow, Dean Martin and Fats Domino for three solid hours. In early October, Winters brought his tour of musical hits to Addison’s Lounge inside the Rampart Casino at The Resort at Summerlin.

Fire Station No. 107 shows impact of a vote

Here’s a reminder for the 29.1 percent of Sun City Summerlin homeowners who, during a special election in February 2009, either failed to vote or cast their ballots in opposition to the city’s plan to build Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Station No. 107. Their action and inaction almost succeeded in killing one of the most important initiatives ever undertaken in Sun City.

Walkers, wheelchair-bound challenged by poor sidewalks, lighting

A series of local used car commercials repeatedly asked the question, “Why are you walking when you could be driving?” The answer was that the customer simply hadn’t heard how easy it was to get a car.
Whether car ownership is simple or not, many choose to walk, despite the fact that much of the valley was built for cars.

Asparagus fern is aptly named

Question: I recently purchased an asparagus fern, which after a few weeks of tender, loving care, has decided to go bonkers.

Dining Pick of the Week: Veggie House

At Veggie House, vegetarians can enjoy spicy Kung Pao beef, sesame chicken or orange beef and still be vegetarian because it’s all soy.

A La Carte for Oct. 16-22


Experts say the southwest part of Las Vegas not great for walkers

On what was a rare occasion, Traci Paniagua walked with her daughter to school. Their short trip went off without incident, but it is not one Paniagua plans to make again anytime soon, even though they live only one block away.

The Top-Town Crown

Itching to relocate? Many homeowners eventually get the “grass is always greener on the other side” urge and dream of moving to a more favorable location – perhaps one that is less expensive or brimming with greater educational, social and job opportunities.

Anyone but Fannie and Freddie

According to a study by, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac funded roughly 81 percent of all loans in the second quarter. That means other mortgages are out there – but how different can they be?

Still Paying High Rates

Despite record-low mortgage interest rates available for the past few years, far too many borrowers are holding onto high-interest loans.