Accusations fly in final Senate debate between Berkley, Heller

In their final Senate debate, U.S. Sen. Dean Heller and Rep. Shelley Berkley on Monday engaged in a feisty, elbow-to-elbow exchange, with the Republican accusing his Democratic challenger of “capitalizing on the misery of others” by selling foreclosed homes for profit and Berkley saying Heller has “no credibility” with the middle class.

Voter registration closes Tuesday

It won’t stop all the attack ads, fliers, dinner-hour calls or knocks at your door, but today is your last chance to register if you want to participate in the election everyone keeps pestering you about.

Political ads bombard viewers, but to what effect?

The TV ads come in rapid succession and at all hours. They cover everything from jobs to education to trust, and they’re sharply negative.

Rolling Stones to tour again

You can’t always get what you want – but if your desire is to attend a Rolling Stones concert this might be your lucky day.

Pizza Hut rethinks presidential debate stunt

Pizza Hut is rethinking its contest daring people to ask “Sausage or Pepperoni?” at the presidential debate Tuesday.