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Watch out for this Social Security scam

Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley advised Americans not to fall “this stunt” regarding a cost-of-living adjustment.

Food predictions for 2014

Well, 2013 officially has trickled down the kitchen drain, which raises the question uppermost on the minds of foodies: What will we be eating in 2014?

5 of Las Vegas’ most heartwarming stories from 2013

There were stories about shootings and other violent crimes. Fires, flash floods and heartrending stories of human loss. But there were stories of human triumph, too.

Ballots for Best of Las Vegas available online

The start of a new year signals the start of a new edition of the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s annual Best of Las Vegas readers’ poll.

Las Vegas’ 10 weirdest, wildest quotes of 2013

Sometimes, the best quotes can be the ones that don’t even have to be taken out of context to make you raise your eyebrows. Here’s our list of the best of 2013.

Body clock vs. bedtime: Why tots battle with sleep

When youngsters continually struggle to fall asleep at night, new research suggests maybe their body clock doesn’t match their bedtime. That doesn’t mean tots should be up at all hours.

Goals to chase in 2014: One body-weight squat, one pullup

New Year’s is about fresh beginnings and new goals. I have a couple of goals for you this year. I challenge you to be able to do one unassisted pullup and/or one body-weight squat by next year.

Good and bad in health care in 2013

When you live in Las Vegas and think about health care, it’s often too easy at the end of the year to find something negative to focus on — a hepatitis outbreak caused by medical professionals not following basic precautions, a TB outbreak caused for the same reason.

Longtime UMC nurse, whose work life started as a dancer, readies to retire

The more you watch the 62-year-old Michelle Ennist work in maternal child services at University Medical Center, the more you realize why the unit’s director, Lisa Pacheco, says that with the nurse’s upcoming retirement, the hospital is losing “a solid part of the foundation of the unit.”

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