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Nevada, Las Vegas gas prices edging down

Lower winter blend prices and refineries back in action in Southern California are easing Nevada and Las Vegas gas prices a bit.

The average price for a gallon of regular in Nevada was $4.891 on Monday, down about 20 cents from last week’s average of $5.103, but still well ahead of the $4.582 average a month ago, according to gasbuddy.com.

“Nevada is finally seeing that seasonal dip in prices,” AAA spokesman John Treanor said in an email Monday. “California has seen a near $.20 drop since last week. This is likely a sign that maintenance on California oil refineries is beginning to end, bringing those refineries back online.”

The cheapest gas prices in Las Vegas on Monday were $4.29 a gallon while the least expensive gas in the state was around $3.86 a gallon in the Wells, Wendover area.

The average price nationally on Monday was $3.704.

Some fuel experts have said the U.S. average may decline to around $3.30 a gallon in the weeks ahead as the price of crude oil declines from around $94 a barrel about a month ago.

Las Vegas prices have stayed around $4.50 a gallon and above all summer.

“As for how low we go?,” Treanor said. “I can’t answer that without my crystal ball.”

Contact Marvin Clemons at mclemons@reviewjournal.com.

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