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Henderson animal shelter keeps ‘no-kill’ status for 3rd straight year

Updated January 20, 2021 - 6:08 pm

The city of Henderson’s animal shelter was recognized as a “no-kill” facility for the third straight year, according to a news release Wednesday.

The shelter had a save rate of 91.1 percent in 2020. “No-kill’ means a shelter has keeps a live-exit rate above 90 percent, the release said.

Of 3,358 animals brought to the shelter last year, 655 were returned to owners and 1,800 were adopted. Forty were released to rescue organizations. By the end of last year, 63 animals remained in the shelter system.

Henderson Animal Care and Control also saw a decrease in shelter intake — down from 4,492 animals in 2019 — and said that no animals were put down because of a lack of space.

“This year was unlike anything we have ever seen,” Danielle Harney, Animal Control administrator, said in the release. “We were prepping for a full shelter and preparing for the worst when the pandemic hit, but we were amazed by what followed in the months thereafter. The citizens came out, followed social distance guidelines, had patience, and adopted animals.”

Adoption fees are $90 for dogs, $80 for cats and $35 for rabbits. For more information, call 702-267-4970 or visit cityofhenderson.com.

Contact Mya Constantino at mconstantino@reviewjournal.com. Follow @searchingformya on Twitter.

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