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Literary Las Vegas: Clyde B. Northrup

Las Vegas writer Clyde B. Northrup studied 19th- and 20th-century British literature, the history of the novel and the works of J.R.R. Tolkien while working on his Ph.D. at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He taps that background in his own fantasy series “The Redemption.” Northrup’s books in the series include “Chosen of the One,” “Staff of Shagmar” and “The Morgle Unmasked.” Three more books are planned. “Chosen of the One” can be downloaded free at smashwords.com. Northrup’s talents also include poetry, which can be found in his collections “Exhalations from the Grave,” “Stones in the Stream” and his autobiographical poetry collections “Ode to a Stump Farm” and “The Broiler Pit: Memories of a Misbegotten Childhood.” For more information, visit clydebnorthrup.webs.com.

Excerpt from ‘Chosen of the One’

“I expect you are hungry – little boys are always hungry.” The old peddler smiled again, then raised his right hand. An archway of white light opened in front of the mule, an archway large enough for both the mule and the cart to pass through; the mule plodded through, stepping off the cobblestones and onto the hard packed dirt of a country road, out of the downpour and into a night free from rain, the sky clear and the stars shining brightly overhead. Rolling hills surrounded the country road, hills that were neatly ploughed and covered with new shoots. The peddler lowered his hand once the cart had passed through, closing the archway, and lowered his hood, revealing shoulder-length, wavy gray hair that glittered in the light of a quarter moon.

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