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LETTER: Politicians can’t resist the urge to meddle

Far too many federal officials — especially those running for president — ignore the Tenth Amendment, which says the federal government has only those powers specifically granted by the Constitution.

One such area of overreach is the minimum wage. Even common sense should suggest that this is an issue best left to the states, simply because of the wide disparity in the cost of living from one area to another. For example, a $15 an hour wage in San Francisco has the same buying power as a $6.50 wage in Birmingham, Alabama.

Politicians need to learn when it’s appropriate to shut up and not meddle in every aspect of our lives. If only they’d limit their focus to those areas for which they’re most responsible. By simply doing that, we wouldn’t waste limited resources on bloated duplicative bureaucracies that create more problems than they solve. They would also find it far easier to tax us less.

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