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LETTER: We shouldn’t need to rely on the guardrails

Your Jan. 14 editorial (“Biden repels, so he pounds Trump”) admits that the violence which occurred at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 was a “fiasco” and that Donald Trump behaved “shamefully.” The editorial then incredulously claims that the “guardrails” of American government held that day and prevented the hostile crowd from overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election.

That assertion completely disregards the fact that the violence stopped not because of the alleged guardrails, but only after Mr. Trump reluctantly intervened and told the protesters to leave the Capitol. He did so after acquiescing for three hours while watching the carnage unfold on television and condoning it through his inaction.

It has been said that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In that light, perhaps Review-Journal readers will realize that it is more prudent to elect someone other than Mr. Trump than it is to elect Mr. Trump again while hoping that “guardrails” would mitigate the harm that he is so capable of infliciting.

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LETTER: Tupperware falls victim to Bidenomics

It appears that Bidenomics/Kamalanomics has taken one of our country’s most well known products, Tupperware, into bankruptcy.

LETTER: The high price of Bidenomics

Review-Journal cartoonist Michael Ramirez deserves an A+ for his Monday cartoon that highlights “Bidenomics”.

LETTER: Fewer lanes, more headaches

Clark county has decided to remove lanes on two of the busiest major roads, Maryland Parkway and Boulder Highway.

LETTER: Don’t make it too hard to sue

Even some who understand this fundamental economic reality are willing to “stick it” to lawyers.

LETTER: Immigrant voters may swing future elections

When you take into account that one of Kamala Harris’s main objectives is a “direct path to citizenship,” how many illegal immigrants will one day vote in general elections?

LETTER: The media keeps Harris’ secrets safe

The media is supporting the vice president’s lack of positions on important issues that voters should know about.