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Need to get a COVID test? Expect delays

Southern Nevada residents are facing delays in getting an appointment for COVID-19 testing as demand increases amid a surge in coronavirus cases.

Add hints of autumn to decor

Warmer tones in the home help create an autumn mood. Living, dining and bedroom environments work for subtle touches.

Bermuda grass can invade lawns when water is scarce

Let’s focus on controlling Bermuda grass this fall. Common Bermuda grass is sometimes called “devil’s grass” by old-timers. All types of Bermuda grass, from common (the weed) to hybrid Bermuda (think golf course), like heat, sunlight and water but can invade when water is scarce and other plants struggle to shade the ground.

New Nevada app detects close encounters with COVID

Once the user downloads the COVID Trace app, it detects other nearby phones with the app, then provides notification if another user who came into close proximity tests positive for COVID-19.

How elected officials have made millions by being in office

The salary for the president of the United States is $400,000, while the VP earns $230,700. Although that’s not chump change, some of the politicians who have held these esteemed positions have been able to parlay their time in the White House into millions.