World Market Center defaults on two loans totaling $564.7 million

Plagued by declining occupancy and lower rents from tenants who stay, the World Market Center has defaulted on mortgages covering two of its three towers. The default on two loans totaling $564.7 million occurred in April but was only recently disclosed.

OSHA puts ‘new sheriff in town’

Following a string of construction fatalities on the Strip and in general industry around Las Vegas, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration opened a local office and brought a new sheriff to town.

Las Vegas lands air travel trade show

Air travel trade show World Route Development Forum is coming to Las Vegas in October 2013 with thousands of executives for airlines, airports and suppliers to discuss air traffic routes, including added service to Las Vegas.

New drug-resistant superbugs found in 3 states

BOSTON — An infectious-disease nightmare is unfolding: Bacteria that have been made resistant to nearly all antibiotics by an alarming new gene have sickened people in three states and are popping up all over the world, health officials reported Monday.

George Michael gets 8 weeks jail for drug driving

LONDON — A British judge has sentenced George Michael to eight weeks in jail for driving while under the influence of drugs after the singer crashed his car into a London photo shop. The singer pleaded guilty last month to driving under the influence and possession of cannabis following a July 4 collision between his Range Rover and a Snappy Snaps store.

Iran frees detained US woman on $500,000 bail

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran released an American woman on a bail of $500,000 Tuesday more than a year after she was detained, but authorities said they were not considering the immediate release of two companions arrested with her. The announcement came days after conflicting statements by Iranian authorities on whether Sarah Shourd would be freed as the process was complicated by political feuds over how a payment could be made for her freedom without violating international sanctions.