Las Vegas woman stays positive while battling rare diseases

At 54, Elizabeth Gorka is a rarity of rarities — she’s battling two of the 7,000 diseases that the world’s top health officials classify as rare. There are no cures for what ails her, and doctors often try new drugs and treatments to manage her symptoms.

Age-old problem hinders treatment

Herb Gilbert is 90, and that means enduring people acting as though he can’t think and can’t hear, which he said became even more frustrating recently during two short hospital stays.
Medical professionals, he said, engaged in what researchers refer to as “elderspeak.”

It’s crunch time if you want your abs to be ready for swimsuit season

Are your abs showing yet?
There’s still a little time before swimsuit season, but you need to start now. Put down the sugar cereal and toss out those pastries. Hide the TV remote and get the exercise play list ready.
Here are a couple more core exercises to add to your routines.

Man burned in apartment fire in central valley

A man received burns to his head and arms during a kitchen fire at a central valley apartment Saturday night, the Las Vegas Fire Department said Sunday.

Book signings and events, March 18-24

Here is a listing of events designed for book lovers. Information is subject to change or cancellation without notice. Additions or changes to this listing must be submitted at least 10 days in advance of Sunday publication to Bookmark, Las Vegas Review-Journal, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125. For more information, call 383-0306.

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