Nevada Sen. Smith cheered upon return after brain surgery

State Sen. Debbie Smith made her session debut in the Nevada Senate on Wednesday and was welcomed by ovations, cheers and tears following her treatment for a malignant brain tumor.

Nevada collective bargaining reform bill clears another hurdle

A bill that would make multiple changes to Nevada’s collective bargaining law, including prohibiting the use of taxpayer dollars to fund public union activities, won approval in an Assembly committee Wednesday.

3 best things to buy in April

Spring is officially here, and so are a variety of sales on certain items. Budgeting is much easier when you pay less for everyday items, and one way to do it is by making purchases during key times of the year. Just remember, it’s only worth it if you spend on things you would have to buy anyway.

Suge Knight fires attorney in robbery case

Rap mogul Marion “Suge” Knight on Wednesday fired his attorney in a robbery case at a hearing in Los Angeles, and also complained to a judge about being taken to court in a wheelchair.

Should you forgive your cheating spouse?

In the face of a spouse’s infidelity, an individual has two choices: walk away or try to save the relationship. Danine Manette did both, though not at the same time.

Tech company introduces new smartphone ads you’ll want to tap

A new kind of mobile ad promises a future in which you’ll never have to clip or print another coupon. Vibes, a mobile marketing technology company, has developed a way for retailers to turn the ads they run on your smartphone into coupons — no additional apps needed.

Food specialty stores give shoppers close-up experience

For those who want to experiment with olive oils and balsamics or try a chocolate bar created entirely in-house, all they have to do is visit a few new local shops.

UNLV’s Vaughn says he’s going to follow his dream to NBA

Each time a report has surfaced in recent weeks about UNLV freshman Rashad Vaughn’s intention to leave school and enter the NBA Draft, Vaughn and his family have been quick to dispute it. The 6-foot-6-inch guard finally decided the time had come to share the news himself.

Do you know where these Las Vegas Valley things are? —QUIZ

A local won’t think twice about a giant, spinning shoe in the middle of the street like the one on Fremont or a lot where llamas stay for free. But do you know where these things are?

Cortez Masto makes it official

Former Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto today formally announced her candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat being given up by incumbent Harry Reid.

Study: Fewer teen drivers involved in fatal crashes

The number of teen drivers involved in fatal crashes dropped by more than half over the past decade as safer vehicles hit the road and more young people received restricted licenses, a U.S. report finds.