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Michele Fiore wants Trump’s favor with Florida TV ad

In addition to purchasing ads in Nevada media markets like her competitors, Michele Fiore is investing campaign funds to air her 60-second segment in Palm Beach, Florida, where the former president spends winters at his Mar-a-Lago club.

Pardoned ranchers back home, focused on grazing rights fight

Father and son ranchers, who were the focus of a battle about public lands and were freed from prison after receiving a presidential pardon, were welcomed home Wednesday in Oregon by relatives and horseback riders carrying American flags.

AG Sessions: ‘I’m not taking sides’ in Bundy case

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a brief reference to the ongoing Bunkerville standoff trial Wednesday when he offered praise to the lead prosecutor, but he declined to take a side in the case that his Justice Department is prosecuting.

Lawyers give closing arguments in 1st Bunkerville standoff trial

A federal prosecutor on Wednesday characterized six Bunkerville protesters as militiamen who heeded rancher Cliven Bundy’s call to arms, while defense attorneys used closing arguments to portray the men as peaceful demonstrators asserting their constitutional rights.

Ruling near in government push for secrecy in Bundy case

A federal judge indicated Tuesday she is close to deciding whether to withhold government evidence from the public in the criminal case stemming from the 2014 Bunkerville standoff.

Oregon sheriff who met refuge occupiers plans to sue city

An Oregon sheriff under investigation for meeting with those who occupied a national wildlife refuge has filed notice that he plans to sue the city of John Day.