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Bundy mistrial highlights why right distrusts the feds — ANALYSIS

As Washington conservatives question whether partisan FBI officials working for Special Counsel Robert Mueller have stacked the deck against President Donald Trump, a criminal case in Las Vegas points to the sort of federal prosecutorial abuses that give the right cause for paranoia.

Thursday is deadline day for national monuments review

Thursday is the due date for the Trump Administration’s national monument review, but it’s unclear when the public will get to see Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s full slate of recommendations.

Stakeholders fume over Zinke’s shortened Nevada monuments visit

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s cancellation of planned meetings with tribal leaders and Rep. Dina Titus prompted an angry news conference Monday at which they accused him of not wanting to hear “the whole story.”

Zinke caps review of Nevada monuments with Bunkerville visit

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke spoke to reporters Sunday evening in Bunkerville as he wrapped up a much-anticipated visit to Southern Nevada that included a hike at Gold Butte National Monument and a stop at Basin and Range National Monument to see American Indian rock art.

Review of Nevada’s national monuments chills legislator

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is expected in Nevada soon to review two national monuments here, but the Democratic congressman who represents the area said he feels left out of the process.

Congressional Republicans want Nevada monuments cut back

In a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, members of the all-GOP Congressional Western Caucus, including Nevada Rep. Mark Amodei, urge the reduction or repeal of 19 of the 22 national monuments currently under review.

AG Sessions: ‘I’m not taking sides’ in Bundy case

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a brief reference to the ongoing Bunkerville standoff trial Wednesday when he offered praise to the lead prosecutor, but he declined to take a side in the case that his Justice Department is prosecuting.

Battle brewing over national monuments in Nevada, elsewhere

A battle is brewing between activists across the political spectrum over a Trump administration review of recently established national monuments, including Gold Butte in Nevada, and a 1906 law that permits presidential protection of public lands.

Gold Butte, other Nevada sites included in monument review

The Trump administration will begin a review on recent national monument declarations, including Gold Butte in Nevada, with an eye on changes to the 1906 law that authorized the executive branch to set aside public lands for protection.