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Las Vegas bicycle-sharing program draws 8,269 rentals in first 6 months

The new bicycle-sharing program in downtown Las Vegas drew 8,269 rentals during the first six months of operating, the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada said Monday.

Riders logged 25,000 miles in more than 4,000 hours to burn an estimated 1 million calories since the program started in early October, the RTC said.

There are 180 bicycles available at 21 rental stations spread across downtown. The cost to ride is $4 for 30 minutes or $8 for 24 hours. For a $20 monthly membership, users can get unlimited access to bicycles for 30-minute trips.

“The bike share program is integral to our commitment to provide multimodal transportation options in Southern Nevada,” RTC General Manager Tina Quigley said. “There are various ways to travel but our residents and visitors are embracing the convenience and affordability bike share brings to the downtown area.”

Contact Art Marroquin at amarroquin@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0336. Follow @AMarroquin_LV on Twitter.

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