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No timetable for final caucus results, party says — BLOG

Updated February 22, 2020 - 7:41 pm

9:03 p.m.

Dems still counting

For anyone curious, Nevada Democratic Party officials do not have a specific time set to stop counting ballots Saturday night.

So it’s not a situation where when the clock strikes midnight everyone goes home and restarts the counting tomorrow. Yet.

Rory Appleton

7:35 p.m.

‘No timetable for final results’

Despite only a small percentage of caucus results being reported by 7:30 p.m., Nevada State Democratic Party spokesman Jon Summers said the slow trickle was due to the party’s quality control measures and not because of any problems at caucus sites.

There was no timetable for final results, Summers said.

6:14 p.m.

‘Vote blue no matter who’

It was a short but energetic watch party at Springs Preserve for Pete Buttigieg.

Between 200 and 300 people gathered to hear Buttigieg speak for about 30 minutes, during which he congratulated competitor Bernie Sanders for a “strong showing” and a “vigorous campaign” in Nevada.

“But before we rush to nominate Sen. Sanders as our one shot to take on this president, let’s take a look at what’s at stake,” he said.

Buttigieg said voters can “prioritize either ideological purity or inclusive victory” and also highlighted his and Sanders’ different policies on health care, saying he supports “Medicare for all who want it,” while Sanders supports “Medicare for all,” removing the choice for people who want a private plan option.

The crowd went wild at points, exclaiming so loudly the sign language interpreter had to protect her ears.

Mike Radza, who lives in Southwest Las Vegas and was formerly the vice chairman for the Clark County GOP, said he’s disappointed Sanders came out on top in Nevada but said “every state is a battle not the war.”

Radza registered as a Democrat to support Buttigieg because he “can no longer support Donald Trump,” and said Buttigieg has “the right vision of inclusion, of bringing people together. He’ll be able to govern effectively.” And character counts, he added. Buttigieg will “restore a level of dignity, class and respectability to the White House.”

Self-described die-hard supporter Shonna Mackelprang said she will support Buttigieg until the end. A veteran, Mackelprang said she supports Buttigieg because he is calm, moderate, smart and honest.

Jason Yocum said it’s OK that Sanders swept Nevada, “We’re going to vote blue no matter who,” he said.

Nicole Raz

5:11 p.m

Sanders addresses supporters after winning Nevada caucuses

Bernie Sanders is addressing supporters in San Antonio, Texas after being declared the winner of the Nevada caucuses.

5:01 p.m.

Biden thanks supporters

In a roughly 10-minute speech to supporters gathered at the IBEW Local 357, Joe Biden hammered home that he’s fighting for the middle class vote.

Taking shots at President Donald Trump, Biden told the jovial crowd he’s not leaving anyone behind, especially unionized workers like firefighters, iron workers, teachers and culinary members.

“You’re the reason why I’m in this,” the former vice president said in between crowd chants and cheers. “You’re the ones who built the middle class. I’m bringing everybody along.”

Biden noted there were 100 million Americans with pre-existing medical conditions, promising to keep Obamacare afloat if he won office.

“They worry everyday Obamacare is going to to be taken away,” he said. “I promise you it will not.”

Despite sitting in second in early results from Saturday’s caucuses, Biden confidently told the crowd he’s looking ahead toward the next steps in his bid to to win the Democratic presidential nod.

“I think we’re in a position now to move on in a way that we haven’t been until this moment,” he said. “We’re going to win in South Carolina and Super Tuesday.”

Mick Akers

4:49 p.m.

Sanders declared winner

WASHINGTON — Bernie Sanders wins Democratic presidential caucuses in Nevada, cementing front-runner status.

The Associated Press

4:05 p.m.

Buttigieg claims running 2nd

Pete Buttigieg’s campaign officials said they have had 38 percent of precinct captains report in so far in Nevada, and that they’ve won 23 percent of those delegates, noting that their numbers show Bernie Sanders leading.

With actual tally sheets transcribed, Buttigieg campaign says their numbers show them in 2nd place currently.

3:52 p.m.

Faulty iPad stalls vote

The issues that stalled one precinct at Sparks High School came down to a faulty iPad.

“There was a failure with the iPad, cleary,” Carissa Snedeker, site lead and 1st vice chair of the Washoe Democratic Party, told the group as they recalculated the numbers manually around 3 p.m. Saturday.

The iPad calculator did not correctly tabulate Tom Steyer’s votes after the final realignment, Snedeker said, and showed him as nonviable even after being deemed viable in the first alignment.

But the backup plan of manually calculating the votes on paper went exactly as planned, she said.

“We got the numbers. We agreed. Everyone signed off. I’m happy,” Snedeker said. “It may have taken a little longer, but we got it done.”

Colton Lochhead

video playlist

3:35 p.m.

Waiting for Biden

Supporters of Joe Biden are beginning to file into IBEW Local 357 headquarters ahead of a planned appearance by the Democratic presidential hopeful.

The stage is set for the former vice president’s arrival at the caucus day event, lined with American and Nevada flags, and a Welcome to Las Vegas sign with “Nevada for Biden” displayed on it.

Biden’s wife, Jill, is also scheduled to appear at the event, which is planned to go until 5 p.m.

Early results from the caucuses show Biden running second behind Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Mick Akers

3:57 p.m.

Raining on Mayor Pete’s parade

Rain in Las Vegas put put a bit of a damper on Pete Buttegieg’s event, planned for the Springs Preserve.

— James Schaeffer

3:13 p.m.

‘It went great’

More than 100 people participated in caucus voting at Eldorado High School. Other than complaints about the caucus process itself, voters and volunteers said it went smoothly with no significant technical issues. Voting wrapped up just after 2 p.m.

“I was impressed by the organization,” volunteer Christy Craig said.

Craig said all of the voters “were really patient, and gracious, and once people got into it, they really got into it. There were a lot of discussions after someone wasn’t viable about who was going to be viable next. And they argued and discussed it, and it went great.”

— Glenn Puit

3:08 p.m.

‘Results are coming in’

Asked about reports of Nevada State Democratic Party volunteers having difficulties phoning caucus results in, spokeswoman Molly Forgey said this:

“Caucuses are running smoothly, results are coming in, and we’ll have them up soon. We’ve been prepared all along for a high influx of results as caucuses wrap up, and we’re working diligently to accommodate and continue processing the high volume of incoming results from precinct chairs.”

Rory Appleton

2:50 p.m.

Waiting on paper ballots

Nearly three hours after caucuses got underway, one precinct at Sparks High School was still struggling with the complicated math that the new early caucus process has brought into the fold.

Those participating in the precinct questioned the math and final realignment numbers. Even after Democratic Party volunteers came in and seemingly figured it out, the numbers have not been finalized. The group is currently waiting on paper ballots to be delivered.

— Colton Lochhead

2:50 p.m.

Delegate for Sanders

Monica Smith, a Bellagio employee and member of the Culinary union, said she was “ecstatic” over the results of caucusing at the Bellagio in which Bernie Sanders won the most delegates.

She said she wasn’t surprised by the results, saying that Sanders has momentum, despite the Culinary’s criticism that Sanders’ call for universal health care could jeopardize the union’s hard-won health care plan.

She had one caveat: “It’s never a good day when you have to see your base split.” However, “I think a true democratic process happened here today.”

Smith will be a delegate for Sanders at the April 18 county convention.

— Mary Hynes

2:45 p.m.

‘Diverse array of participants’

At Cheyenne High School in North Las Vegas, U.S. Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., is predicting good caucus showings for former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“I’m excited to see a diverse array of participants,” Horsford said. “I think it’s going to be a strong night for Bernie and Vice President Biden.”

— Jeff German

2:36 p.m.

Mixed-up votes

One precinct at Desert Oasis High School saw some late confusion. During the second alignment, votes that were supposed to go to Elizabeth Warren (and were cast for Warren on the paper ballot for second alignment), mistakenly went to Bernie Sanders. This was noticed, and volunteers worked to correct the issue.

— Al Mancini

2:32 p.m.

Smooth process at community center

Bernie Sanders won the largest of 10 precincts at the East Las Vegas Community Center as well as several other precincts. Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg were viable in the largest precinct and also were awarded delegates.

Despite some triple-checking of caucus math, there appeared to be no major hiccups in either of the two alignments for any precinct at the center.

— Shea Johnson

2:30 p.m.

Caucusing continues at Cheyenne

Caucusing is still dragging out at four precincts in the cafeteria at Cheyenne High School in North Las Vegas.

About 100 people were listening to speeches on behalf of candidates in an effort to get to a final vote tally.

— Jeff German

2:29 p.m.

Strategic move in Sparks

Bernie Sanders was awarded the most delegates at several of the precincts caucusing at Sparks High School on Saturday.

In one precinct, he was the only viable candidate after the initial alignment, while Elizabeth Warren was a single person shy of reaching the needed threshold.

During realignment, Regina Lockwood, the lone in-person Joe Biden voter for the precinct, switched over to Warren, making her viable in that group. Sanders won nine of the 15 available delegates for that precinct, while Warren ended up with six delegates when several early votes boosted her numbers.

Lockwood, 57, said her move to Warren was strategic so that Sanders would not get all of the delegates for that precinct after it was clear Biden wouldn’t be able to reach viability.

“Bernie’s not going to get elected in the general. I think it would be a real struggle. Of course I would vote for him over Trump, but it would be a real struggle to get him elected,” Lockwood said.

— Colton Lochhead

2:21 p.m.

Biden-Sanders tie broken

In what had to be the most Vegas ending of the day, a tie between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders in precinct 7706 at Del Sol Academy in eastern Las Vegas was broken in the latter’s favor by drawing cards. Tensions began to flare as officials scrambled to determine the correct way to break a tie. The rules were revisited, and it all came down to a game of chance — as so many things do in this city.

— Jason Bracelin

2:11 p.m.

Site lead clarifies rules

At Rancho High School, where things had seemed to wrap up by about 1:40 p.m., one last precinct got caught up.

The final precinct had an extra delegate to assign, but there was confusion over which candidate would get it. After making a call to the voter hotline and bringing in a site lead to clarify the rules, the last delegate was delegated and the caucus was over.

— Max Michor

1:58 p.m.

‘Calm and collected’

Tommy and Pasha Blitz said their precinct at Liberty High School went through three alignments. Both Pete Buttigieg supporters, they said things were pretty much split between him and Bernie Sanders from the beginning.

He voted early. She wanted to caucus.

“This, to me, was exciting,” she said. “Multiple candidates got votes.”

She said Tom Steyer started with nine and ended up with zero.

Megan Castor, another Pete Buttigieg supporter, said the event at Liberty went “really smooth.”

Her husband, Jason Castro, another Buttigieg supporter, agreed.

He said he expected a lot of debating but said “everybody was really on board and very calm and collected.”

The couple said their precinct awarded four delegates to Buttigieg, three to Warren and two to Sanders.

— Heidi Knapp Rinella and Bailey Schulz

1:57 p.m.

Not Iowa

Caucus votes were done before 2 p.m. at Brinley Middle School, though two precincts were still deciding which voters would serve as delegates.

Sylvia Vasquez, site lead at the school, said Saturday’s caucuses went as smoothly as she could have hoped. The site had volunteers from Nevada, California and Arizona.

“I’m very proud of everyone that came together and made it happen,” Vasquez said, adding that “today went over without a hitch.”

Vasquez said about 180 voters turned out to vote in person at Brinley, and she was glad to see that so many people had voted early.

“Thankfully what happened in Iowa didn’t happen here,” she said.

— Alexis Egeland

1:52 p.m.

RJ videographer kicked out

Review-Journal videographer Angus Kelly forgot his stick microphone in a caucus room after volunteers kicked him out for wrongly believing that no photographers or videographers were allowed.

Kelly said volunteers removed the batteries and put the mic in the fridge so the Review-Journal wouldn’t “bug the room.” He said he later got his mic back and was allowed back in the room.

A volunteer earlier at the site kicked a Review-Journal photographer out of a precinct room, but he was later allowed back in.

Molly Forgey, spokeswoman for the Nevada Democratic Party, had told the Review-Journal earlier that photography and filming would be allowed at the site.

— Bailey Schulz

1:50 p.m.

Initial vote discrepancy

There was an initial vote discrepancy in one precinct at Del Sol Academy in eastern Las Vegas, underscoring the potential challenges of incorporating early voting into the caucus process for the first time.

During final realignment, 66 votes were tallied when it should have been 68. The site lead was called, and it was determined that two of the early voters failed to select a third viable candidate, so their votes were not counted.

— Jason Bracelin

1:49 p.m.

‘My goal is to stop Bernie’

At the North Valleys High School caucus site in northern Reno, Biden won no delegates in the group where Jacqueline Onukwugha served as a precinct captain for the former vice president – a disappointment to her, but not a complete disaster.

Of the nine delegates up for grabs, two went to Pete Buttigieg, three to Elizabeth Warren, and four to Bernie Sanders.

“Bernie didn’t take them all,” Onukwugha said. “He didn’t take half of them. So in that sense I’m satisfied, because it makes a bigger hiccup for Bernie. And if I can’t get Biden, my goal is to stop Bernie.”

— Bill Dentzer

1:43 p.m.

Caucusing at Centennial

Anne Terlitzky, 49, said she found caucusing to be simple.

“It seems with the early vote, it made things go fast,” she said.

The process in the main room at Centennial High School took about an hour.

Terlitzky used to be nonpartisan but changed her party registration after Donald Trump was elected. She caucused for Joe Biden on Saturday.

Geoffrey DeMaio, 55, caucused for Pete Buttigieg.

He said he would caucus in the future, but he would prefer a primary.

“I think primaries are less confusing,” he said.

DeMaio, who has Parkinson’s disease, said he likes Buttigieg’s “Medicare for all who want it” plan.

— Blake Apgar and Michael Scott Davidson

1:38 p.m.

Sanders leads Rancho High School

Caucuses at Rancho High School managed to wrap up without any major issues. After early votes were counted, Bernie Sanders became the only viable candidate in most of the precincts, and subsequent realignments left him with the majority of delegates.

Volunteers reported no issues with technology at the caucus site.

— Max Michor

1:35 p.m.

Caucusing begins at Desert Oasis

By 1:25 p.m., caucusing was finally starting at Desert Oasis High School. Early vote counts had been delivered to each precinct.

About 10 minutes later, precincts started to count voters for each candidate.

— Al Mancini

1:30 p.m.

One precinct, zero votes

Caucusing at Doolittle Community Center, which hosted six precincts, concluded earlier than expected on Saturday. By around 1:20 p.m., the large room had cleared out.

An empty results sheet was taped to the wall throughout caucus day as one of the six precincts did not have any early voters, and no one from that precinct showed up to caucus. One precinct reached final alignment just 20 minutes into caucusing.

Elizabeth Warren was not viable after the first alignment in Sheila Collins’ precinct. Warren was her only choice — until her fellow caucusgoers persuaded her to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden.

“They were able to change my mind, the individuals I caucused with,” Collins said on her way out of the community center. “Everyone was just very engaged and excited.”

— Rio Lacanlale

1:29 p.m.

Quadruple-checking the math

At Western High School, one precinct’s volunteers double-, triple- and quadruple-checked their math to make sure their number of delegates was accurate after accounting for realignments and early voters.

Across the school’s campus, precinct captain Norma Oppenheim sat by herself in a classroom where voters should have gathered — but no one showed up. That precinct will be determined solely by early voters.

— Janna Karel

1:25 p.m.

Easy process for couple

Carolyn and Lee Wastell wrapped up their participation in the caucus at Eldorado High School as the clock approached 1 p.m. The husband and wife said the experience was an improvement over 2016’s caucuses because early voting greatly reduced the lines to get in.

When the couple gathered into their precinct, they learned they were the only two physically there to vote. The rest of their precinct had voted early.

“So it was pretty easy for us to do it,” Lee Wastell said.

The couple said the caucus went well, but Carolyn Wastell said she still wishes Nevada would switch to a traditional primary format.

— Glenn Puit

1:22 p.m.

Nurses for Sanders

Naomi Klein, with the Sanders campaign, said she was pleased with the results at Liberty High School.

“He has by far the most supporters,” she said.

Rebecca Goldfader traveled from San Francisco, where she’s a nurse practitioner, to volunteer with the Sanders campaign.

“I believe that Bernie is a candidate that understands that health care should not be a for-profit business,” she said, adding that the nursing unions support Sanders in his campaign for Medicare for all.

— Heidi Knapp Rinella

1:15 p.m.

Peaceful ending at caucus site

No problems cropped up at the Scherkenbach Elementary School caucus site.

After the first alignment, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren were deemed viable in the largest precinct.

Pete Buttigieg was the only candidate with any in-person support who was deemed not viable, leading to a civil, 15-minute period in which his backers were wooed to different candidates. Everything was over, peacefully, by 1:15 p.m.

— Christopher Lawrence

1:15 p.m.

One voter decides precinct candidate

Dr. Joyce Battle has often heard “every vote matters.”

But at Centennial High School on Saturday, her vote was critical. Battle, 71, was the only voter in her precinct to participate in the Nevada Democratic caucuses.

With no early votes, Battle alone got to decide which candidate she would represent as a delegate. Seated at a wooden desk, she considered the choice for a couple minutes before voting for Pete Buttigieg.

“He has a set of values he’s not afraid to show,” she said, noting the candidate’s Navy service. “He put his life on the line for this country.”

Battle said she’s excited at the idea of representing Buttigieg as a county delegate, but the low turnout in her precinct Saturday left her doubting whether a caucus is the best way to pick the party’s nominee.

“It’s kind of scary,” she said. “I don’t know if this is working.”

— Michael Scott Davidson

1:13 p.m.

Sanders takes early lead

Sen. Bernie Sanders is leading in early caucus results, according to The Associated Press.

1:12 PM

Desert Oasis update

The final half-dozen or so registrants were filling out their paperwork at the Desert Oasis High School caucus site. Organizers say the caucus will begin as soon as the early vote totals are delivered to the precincts.

— Al Mancini

Breaking a rare tie

One precinct at Brinley Middle School had no in-person voters, but it had a three-way tie in the early votes. The precinct had been assigned two delegates.

Instead of drawing playing cards to break the tie, the Democratic headquarters gave the precinct an additional delegate – a rare but legitimate solution.

— Alexis Egeland

1 p.m.

Delays continue at Desert Oasis

An hour after the caucus was scheduled to begin at Desert Oasis High School, the final caucusgoers were still checking in. Volunteers said check-in started about 45 minutes late and went slowly because voter rolls reportedly hadn’t been delivered to the location.

— Al Mancini

12:57 p.m.

‘We need to get the down-ballot races’

Beverly Jackson, a precinct captain for Joe Biden at Liberty High School, was particularly passionate about her candidate.

“Winning and being successful are not the same thing,” she said. “It has to be about more than just this cycle. If we don’t retake the Senate, we’re DOA. We need to get the down-ballot races.”

— Heidi Knapp Rinella

12:57 p.m.

Sanders, Steyer lead in one precinct

In one precinct observed at Lowman Elementary School near Nellis Air Force Base, candidates Bernie Sanders and Tom Steyer were viable. That’s one of 22 precincts voting at this caucus site.

— Rick Velotta

12:57 p.m.

Delays across the state

Several caucus sites throughout the state have reported delays due to volunteers not showing up to run precinct caucuses.

Nevada State Democratic Party spokeswoman Molly Forgey said thousands of volunteers have shown up as expected, and the majority of sites have not had these problems.

A party official added that early reports indicate an average of eight volunteers per caucus site, meaning more than 2,000 volunteers have shown up.

The official said as of 11:45 a.m., 15 minutes before caucusing began, more than 1,000 volunteers had successfully logged in to the party’s caucus calculator via party-provided iPads.

— Rory Appleton

12:55 p.m.

Volunteer hassles RJ photographer

A Las Vegas Review-Journal photographer was kicked out of the Liberty High School caucus site this afternoon.

A volunteer demanded that photographer Bizu Tesfaye leave the room after he held up his camera during caucusing. The volunteer insisted that members of the media were not allowed to film or take photos, and Tesfaye said the volunteer kicked him out because it looked as though he was “about to” take a photo.

Molly Forgey, spokeswoman for the Nevada Democratic Party, had told the Review-Journal earlier that photography and filming would be allowed at the site.

Tesfaye was ultimately allowed to stay and photograph at the caucus site.

— Bailey Schulz

12:45 p.m.

Some precincts reach final alignment

Discussions among voters inside a large room at the Doolittle Community Center were calm. By about 12:30 p.m., the crowd had drastically dwindled after at least two of the six precincts at the center had reached final alignment.

“That was way easier than last year,” one voter yelled, drawing laughter from other voters. “Thank God for early voting!”

— Rio Lacanlale

12:45 p.m.

Issues with check-in process

At Desert Oasis High School, caucusgoer Dhinna Munshi said it took about 45 minutes to an hour to start the check-in process.

But once the process started, there was an issue with the lists volunteers had on-site to validate voter registration.

“Luckily I was on the list,” Munshi said. “My partner was not on the list, so he was out there for another, probably half-hour to 45 minutes extra.”

— Al Mancini

12:43 p.m.

Sanders, Biden lead at Bellagio

At the Bellagio, only Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden remained viable after one round of caucusing. Of the 123 caucusgoers, Sanders had 75 supporters and Biden had 39. Nineteen were needed for viability.

— Mary Hynes

12:40 p.m.

Slow start but smooth going

The caucuses didn’t start until just after 12:30 p.m. at Rancho High School, where Gov. Steve Sisolak made a brief stop earlier.

Despite the delay, the caucuses and registration proceeded with only a little confusion from voters who needed help finding their precinct rooms.

Voters sat patiently and chatted with each other and the students who volunteered to help, and some snapped photos of the media who had come to watch.

— Max Michor

12:32 p.m.

Cheering against Trump

Caucusing begins at Arbor View High School. When the moderator of one precinct’s caucus says the goal is to select a candidate who is “going to beat Donald Trump,” participants cheer enthusiastically.

— John Przybys

12:22 p.m.

Buttigieg stops by

At Sierra Vista High School, Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg stopped to visit the 15 precincts that would be caucusing. Outside, Girl Scouts sold cookies to voters as they walked in.

Though candidate Andrew Yang suspended his campaign, Katy Kinsey of Washington, D.C., and William Lex Hamm had set up a booth to promote his platform. They were still unsure which candidate would prevail in Nevada.

“There’s no obvious identified winner right now,” Kinsey said.

“What are we actually going to do to unite America and move our society forward?” Lex Hamm added.

By noon, about 200 people had filed into the gymnasium to vote in their precincts.

Michael Weiss, a Las Vegas software engineer, said he voted for Sen. Bernie Sanders in 2016 and hopes 2020 goes better for him.

Heath care, education equal pay and combatting climate change are Weiss’ key issues.

“He’s not bought,” he said of Sanders. “Honesty, integrity and consistency are all traits that I admire in Bernie.”

— Briana Erickson

12:13 p.m.

Buttigieg supporter in Reno

Floyd Farber of Reno, who works in sales, is all-in for his fellow veteran Pete Buttigieg.

“I like that he wants Medicare for some, because I have great insurance,” Farber said, awaiting the start of the caucus at North Valleys High School, which serves students in the northernmost part of Nevada’s third-largest city.

He wasn’t sure how Buttigieg would fair in Nevada but said he was buoyed by his good showing in Iowa and New Hampshire.

“I would like to think that he would do better on the West Coast because, typically speaking, people on the West Coast tend to be a little more open minded, a little more free,” Farber said. “So I would hope that he would do well here.”

— Bill Dentzer

12:10 p.m.

Frustration, confusion in Summerlin

Tensions were high at the Palo Verde High School caucus site in Summerlin. An additional registration/check-in line was set up to shield voters from the rain, but that caused confusion, and some people grew upset because the original line kept moving while they had to wait.

The second line was later eliminated.

Kealan and Monique Oates said they were lucky enough to have gotten through the original line in the rain within about 15 minutes.

At check-in, though, Kealan Oates was told he was not registered, though Monique Oates was. Both voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“To come here and say I’m not on the registry is mind blowing,” he said.

It ended up being a minor inconvenience, as he was able to register again.

“If I didn’t (have same-day registration), I would have had questions as to why I was removed,” he said.

— Alex Chhith

12:04 p.m.

‘Need somebody with heart’

Just minutes before the caucus was set to begin, 56-year-old Dora Howard and her 81-year-old mother, Dorothy, were discussing their top candidates.

Born and raised in Las Vegas, Dora Howard is a pastor at a local church. After the last four years, she said the most important quality she is looking for in a candidate is a good heart.

“We just need somebody with heart. If you don’t have heart for people, you don’t have my support,” she said.

That’s why she’s caucusing for Tom Steyer, she added.

“I can just feel his good heart, and Trump just doesn’t have a heart for people,” Dora Howard said.

— Rio Lacanlale


Line cutoff

People in line at the East Las Vegas Community Center are guaranteed to be able to vote. But anyone who wasn’t in line by noon will be left out. A site volunteer is overheard saying that check-in is running smoothly, but the long line can be attributed to turn out.

— Shea Johnson

11:53 a.m.


Wearing homemade cardboard shoulder pads with “Draft Michelle Obama POTUS 2020” scrawled upon them in black ink, Peter Robinovitz, a precinct captain for Hillary Clinton in 2016, went off-script at Del Sol Academy in eastern Las Vegas.

“In November, when it’s cold and snowing, no one is going to stand in line for these candidates. They’ll stand in line forever for her,” he said.

— Jason Bracelin

11:42 a.m.

Former HUD secretary visits

Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro arrived at the East Las Vegas Community Center and asked caucusgoers to consider Sen. Elizabeth Warren if undecided.

The community center is located in a part of the city with a predominantly Latino population.

Castro declined to say whether he has a No. 2 choice, a decision some might have to pivot to during caucuses.

He thanked voters for participating in the process and pointed to the debacle in Iowa to underscore the importance of Nevada.

“Everybody’s counting on Nevada to make a statement about the direction of this campaign,” he said, adding that he hoped in the future the state would play an even “stronger” role in presidential nominations.

— Shea Johnson

11:40 a.m.

Governor pops in

At Rancho High School, voters trickled in slowly and milled around with media and volunteers from campaigns.

Gov. Steve Sisolak made a brief appearance to shake hands and take photos with voters before heading off to another caucus location.

With less than 30 minutes remaining before the doors closed, some rooms at Rancho High School sat all but empty, with only volunteers waiting for the caucus to begin.

In the largest room, members of the media outnumbered voters.

— Max Michor

11:37 a.m.

Registration confusion

At North Valleys High School in northern Reno, caucusgoers moved through the check-in process with few hiccups, though Josh Bottoms, a student at the University of Nevada, Reno, and an Elizabeth Warren supporter, found that he had to re-register to vote when he arrived.

“I lived at a different address the last time I voted. But I did update my registration in January or early February,” Bottoms said.

He went home, checked his registration and returned.

“I am pretty annoyed, especially since I came the first time and they said, ‘Well, there’s nothing we can do for you,’ and I was like, ‘Well. that’s not gonna fly.’”

Bottoms was able to get it all sorted out.

— Bill Dentzer

11:35 a.m.

Assemblywoman helps voters

Assemblywoman Susie Martinez, D-Las Vegas, was encouraged by the turnout at Eldorado High School, saying voter check-in was going smoothly.

“I am so excited,” Martinez said. “I am so glad that people are participating. A lot of people early voted which was fantastic.”

She expected that people may need help understanding exactly how the caucus process works. She went table to table telling voters about the process, handing out bottled waters and reminding people “how important it is that they need to stay.”

— Glenn Puit

11:30 a.m.

Young voter

First-time voter Emma Renfro, 17, isn’t sure whom she’ll be backing at Arbor View High School today, but she’s excited to participate.

“It feels good to get out and know that my vote is going to be heard in an election,” she said.

— John Przybys

11:30 a.m.

‘I identify as American’

Jessica and Chevy Morrow registered as Democrats for the first time ahead of today’s caucuses at Western High School in the central valley.

Previously, they registered as Independents.

“I still consider myself Independent. I identify as American,” Chevy Morrow said. “But to caucus, you need to register as Democrat.”

Chevy Morrow voted early for Sanders this week. Today, he’s observing and supporting his wife, who is caucusing for the first time.

Many at the site are still debating which of their two front-runners, Warren or Sanders, they will support.

— Janna Karel

11:25 a.m.

Strip workers set to caucus

Bethany Khan, a spokeswoman for the Culinary union, said day shift workers primarily from Bellagio will be caucusing during their lunch breaks at the Strip resort today.

Housekeeping staff, who are expected to clean a certain number of rooms in a day, will have their room credits adjusted so they won’t be penalized for caucusing, Khan said.

— Mary Hynes

11:20 a.m.

Teacher supporting Sanders

As more people trickled into the Doolittle Community Center, Ariana Rodriguez, 25, sat below a “Bernie” sign, looking around the large room. Rodriguez is a Clark County School District teacher and a first generation college student who voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Today, he is still her top choice — “because his policies perfectly align with mine” — and she is more confident than ever that he will go head to head with President Donald Trump.

“I’m just trying to come out and support and make sure my voice is heard,” she said.

— Rio Lacanlale

11:20 a.m.

Sparks High School site

James Juarez, 60, voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Four years later, Juarez is planning to caucus for Bernie Sanders today at Sparks High School. Juarez said he likes Sanders “because he is a socialist” and thinks he can heal the divisions that he’s seen widen under Trump.

“He can’t be any worse, and I think he’ll try to pull the country back together,” Juarez said.

But Juarez, who served in the Army, said he wants to see the candidates address foreign policy more going forward, specifically how they would deal with North Korea and Iran.

Kelly Bolton, a 43-year-old first-grade teacher in Reno, showed up to the caucuses at Sparks High School decked out in Elizabeth Warren gear.

“I feel like she is the best candidate for education, and that’s really my main issue,” Bolton said. “She understands the struggles of being a teacher and being a public schoolteacher and what we have to deal with,” Bolton added. “Especially the issues that we face in Nevada with a pretty low funding and a pretty high teacher turnover rate.”

— Colton Lochhead

11:15 a.m.

Disillusioned voter

Precincts at Centennial High School are being divided between the school’s gymnasium and classrooms.

Voters are able to sign in with little wait, and about 60 voters were in the gymnasium as of 11 a.m.

Despite the apparent smooth sailing, some voters said they were ready for the state’s caucus system to go.

“It discourages voting, and it discourages participation,” said Scott Clemson, 65, a retired teacher who plans to vote for Tom Steyer.

Elizabeth Warren supporters Dennis and Linda Klemens didn’t have many nice things to say about the caucus.

“I’m totally disillusioned already,” 76-year-old Linda Klemens said.

She said she is not confident her voice will be heard and she may leave early.

“I feel like I’m wasting my time here,” she said.

Clemson brought two bright yellow posters with him that he hung in the classroom where his precinct was gathering. Listed on them were reasons to support Steyer.

He said that’s the silver lining to caucusing. He gets to be an ambassador for his candidate throughout the process.

“That’s the point of the caucus. You get to talk to people,” he said.

— Blake Apgar and Michael Scott Davidson

11:13 a.m.

‘Someone that can beat Trump’

Dozens of 2020 caucus attendees huddled inside Henderson’s Liberty High School cafeteria Saturday morning to escape the rain.

Some, like 67-year-old Lawrence Garrett, are still torn on whom to vote for.

“Someone that can beat Trump,” he said. “If that’s Daffy Duck, I’d vote for Daffy Duck.”

Others were confident in their choice, like Katie McCloud, who plans to caucus for Bernie Sanders.

The 24-year-old student said immigration and health care are two of her top priorities. Her husband is an immigrant from Venezuela, and she went through an expensive cancer scare last year.

While she’s in remission now and was on her parents’ health care plan, she said her medical debt would have been much worse if she didn’t have that option. Just one of her medications cost $20,000, and she had to purchase it four times.

— Bailey Schulz

11:10 a.m.

‘It’s about climate change’

Isabel Arana, 50, of Las Vegas is caucusing for the first time. Four years ago, she supported Green Party member Jill Stein.

“That was a mistake,” she said at the Western High School caucus site. “And I’ve always liked Bernie, and this time, I just really believe in his message and what he’s saying. He reminds me a lot of Robert Kennedy.”

Anthony Brown, a 37-year-old student who previously has caucused in Nevada and New York, is supporting Bernie Sanders at today’s event.

“It’s about climate change,” he said. “It’s urgent. We need a Green New Deal. Bernie wants to ban fracking. He believes we need to go with the scientists.”

— Janna Karel

11:05 a.m.

Still waiting

A little after 10:45 a.m., no one had been checked in at the Desert Oasis High School caucus site in the southwest valley.

Volunteers were still waiting on physical lists to validate registration. Members of the crowd, many of whom had been waiting in line since 10 a.m. or earlier, were largely in good spirits.

— Al Mancini

11 a.m.

‘Health care is a human right’

Christin Morton, who was in line to register at Liberty High School, said he thought he had registered when he moved here about a year ago and got his driver’s license, but he found out at the caucus site that he wasn’t in the records.

He said he came out to caucus because he wanted his voice to be heard.

“I think health care is a human right,” he said at the southern valley site. “The idea of human debt is ridiculous, and I’d like to change that.”

Morton said he supported Bernie Sanders.

— Heidi Knapp Rinella

10:56 a.m.

Smoother process

Caucusgoers at the Del Sol Academy site in eastern Las Vegas are reporting a much smoother process of gaining entry this year as opposed to 2016 and 2012, where there were hourlong waits, according to numerous past attendees.

— Jason Bracelin

10:55 a.m.

Names on paper registries

No problems with technology have been reported at Scherkenbach Elementary School in the far northwest valley. Then again, there’s barely any technology.

A couple of dozen voters have been checked in so far this morning after their names were found on paper registries. There’s a large desk calculator on a table for the precinct chair.

So far, the biggest news was that a volunteer waiting to sign people in discovered a small cut on her finger. After a brief search, no bandages were found. Someone eventually produced a tissue.

— Christopher Lawrence

10:50 a.m.

Ensuring a ‘big blue wave’

It was a strong turnout for Saturday’s Democratic caucuses at Eldorado High School in the eastern Las Vegas Valley. At least 80 people were in line to check in. At first the line was moving slowly but by 10:30 a.m. nearly everyone was checked in.

One voter was Vance Glaser of Las Vegas. He was initially a supporter of Andrew Yang, but when Yang dropped out, he was still committed to participating and having his voice heard.

“Pete Buttigieg is still good,” he said. “Bernie is sort of a wild card.”

Having never participated in a caucus before, he said he was looking forward to learning how to vote his choice.

“I’ll figure it out as I go,” he said, adding, “I’m here to make sure that big blue wave comes in 2020.”

— Glen Puit

10:47 a.m.

Lack of parking

Lowman Elementary School near Nellis Air Force Base has 22 precincts, and voters are slowly trickling in while it rains.

The lack of parking at the school could discourage some if they have to walk a long way in the rain to get inside. Some voters who arrived early said they were able to walk to the location, but it wasn’t raining then.

— Rick Velotta

10:45 a.m.

On the Las Vegas Strip

Jon Summers, a senior adviser to the Nevada Democratic Party, said it’s difficult to estimate how many people will be caucusing today in the state.

Seventy-five thousand people voted early in Nevada.

“The big question is how much is that going to enhance caucus turnout and how much is it going to cut into caucus turnout,” Summers said.

In comparison, 84,000 people total caucused in 2016, when there was no early voting.

Summers spoke with a reporter at the Bellagio, one of the caucus sites set up on the Strip to accommodate shift workers working Saturday.

Caucusing is scheduled to begin at noon.

— Mary Hynes

10:35 a.m.

Check-in delays

By 10:30 a.m., people had not been able to check in at Desert Oasis High School in southwest Las Vegas.

Volunteers said they are still waiting on lists from the Democratic Party that will be used to validate registration.

— Al Mancini

10:34 a.m.

Klobuchar supporter

It was gray outside but blue inside as the Democratic Party colors brightened an otherwise gloomy morning at Del Sol Academy in the southeast Las Vegas Valley.

The rain dampened abundant campaign T-shirts but not the spirits of the hundreds who lined up at 10 a.m. to caucus.

Terry Blumfelder, 72, a retired physician, was among the early arrivals, caucusing for Amy Klobuchar.

“I don’t think she’ll win,” she said. “But I’d vote for a slug before I’d vote for who’s incumbent.”

— Jason Bracelin

10:33 a.m.

Family caucuses together

Sabre Schlicht, who was at Liberty High School with her younger brother (a first-time voter), her baby and her mother, said she supported Bernie Sanders.

“I think everyone has good values, but he’s not trying to attack the others,” she said. “He’s trying to get his points across.”

Her brother, Brandon, said he supported Sanders because his sister did, but their mother, Monica, said she was on the fence.

“I really am happy with Trump right now, ” she said, adding that it was because her tax situation was the best in years.

— Heidi Knapp Rinella

1o:30 a.m.

Talking politics

About 30 people were in line when doors opened at Arbor View High School in northwest Las Vegas. Under an off-and-on drizzle, voters already were talking politics and the merits of the various candidates.

Meanwhile, signs posted in the school’s cafeteria — “Don’t be a hen, vote for Ken” and “Vote Jarissa Rose for sophomore class president” — hinted that today’s caucuses aren’t the only electoral contests being waged at Arbor View.

— John Przybys

10:25 a.m.

Northern Nevada caucuses

Earl and Gloria Brown were among a few dozen people lined up outside of Sparks High School before the doors opened for caucus registration Saturday morning.

Earl Brown, 74, said they intended to caucus for former Vice President Joe Biden.

“We think he can remove Trump,” Earl Brown said. “God knows I hope so.”

— Colton Lochhead

10:20 a.m.

Centennial High School

About 70 people were inside the caucus location at Centennial High School after doors opened at 10 a.m. Many stood in line outside before the doors opened.

Check-in started at 10:11 a.m. Amy Lahav, precinct captain for Joe Biden, said officials were just making sure everything was being done right.

Orrin Schwab, 63, stood in light rain before doors opened at the school.

“I feel it’s my duty to vote,” he said. He is caucusing for Pete Buttigieg because he’s a moderate candidate.

First in line was John Johnson, 59, who came with his wife and daughter.

It was the former Californian’s first time participating in a caucus. Johnson said he planned to first align with progressive candidate Elizabeth Warren.

“We want to make sure we have a viable candidate to beat Donald Trump,” he said. “I like Warren because of the fire she exhibits. She’s willing to fight.”

— Blake Apgar and Michael Scott Davidson

10:17 a.m.

First time caucusing

Among the first in a small line at the Doolittle Community Center in the Historic Westside was 62-year-old Joyce Travis, a resident of Las Vegas since the 1970s. Saturday marked her first time caucusing.

Former Vice President Joe Biden is her top candidate, but Travis will “vote blue no matter who it is,” she said. “It’s important to get Trump out of here and fast.”

— Rio Lacanlale

10:15 a.m.

Sanders supporter

Brandon Scienski, 26, said this was his first caucus. A volunteer precinct captain, he supports Bernie Sanders due to Medicare for All. His mom is disabled.

Holding a pink umbrella, he was promoting Sanders outside in the rain to anyone who walked up at the East Las Vegas Community Center.

“I strongly support Bernie so I’m out here braving the elements,” he said.

— Shea Johnson

10:10 a.m.

Construction zone

Democratic caucus voters meeting at Lowman Elementary School near Nellis Air Force Base have two additional obstacles besides rainy weather.

Craig Road west of Interstate 15 is a major construction zone these days and Craig east of I-15 is a designated route to get to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway for today’s scheduled Boyd Gaming 300 NASCAR race that is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. — although rain could be a factor in that.

— Rick Velotta

10 a.m.

Trickling in

About 50 people were gathered at Brinley Middle School by 9:50 a.m., 10 minutes before the doors to the caucus opened.

Dozens more trickled in by 10 a.m. to fill the school’s lobby, while hundreds lined up along the outside of the building for a food bank.

A few held signs for businessman Tom Steyer, while a handful of others wore shirts in support of former Vice President Joe Biden.

— Alexis Egeland

9:55 a.m.

Braving the rain

There were roughly a dozen people outside the East Las Vegas Community Center, drumming up support for their preferred candidates at about 9:55 a.m.

A small group of supporters for Sen. Elizabeth Warren had set up a table and supporters for Sen. Bernie Sanders also were braving drizzling rain outdoors.

Inside the center at least 40 people were waiting in line.

— Shea Johnson

9:39 a.m.

Caucus day kicks off

It’s caucus day in Nevada. Democrats will gather at over 250 locations across the state to declare their presidential preferences. Check in will begin at 10 a.m. and caucuses will be called to order at noon.

Nevada Democrats hope to avoid the problems that befell the Iowa caucuses, but at least one candidate and one volunteer have raised concerns about the process going smoothly.

More caucus info

— Need a refresher on how to caucus? (It’s been four years.) We’ve got you covered.

— Still undecided? Use our Voter Guide to see where each Democratic presidential hopefuls stands on all major issues.

We’ll have live coverage of caucus voting from multiple locations throughout the day.

Bookmark this page for Nevada Caucus results when they become available.

— Also, free pizza for caucusgoers.

Live coverage of caucuses

The Nevada Democratic Caucuses start at noon on Saturday. Caucus locations open at 10 a.m.

Bookmark this page and join us as reviewjournal.com provides live coverage from caucus sites across the Las Vegas Valley and beyond. Over 20 reporters, photographers and videographers will be reporting live from caucus locations throughout the state to bring you the latest as Nevada Democrats gather to choose their presidential nominee.


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