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Aces, kings cracked in thrilling 3-way hand at WSOP Main Event

Being all-in for your tournament life in the World Series of Poker Main Event comes with a roller coaster of emotions.

One hand during Day 5 of the $10,000 buy-in No-limit Hold’em World Championship on Tuesday illustrated the highs and lows players experience at the table.

Retired businessman Bill Klein opened the action to 55,000 chips holding pocket kings and was called by Stuart Taylor and Nicholas Rigby, who has been near the chip lead since the first day of the tournament.

But Ryan Brown then moved all-in from the small blind for his remaining 1.2 million chips and was called by Klein and Taylor, who held pocket aces, while Rigby folded.

Taylor’s tournament life was at stake and he was favored to triple-up, but the eight-three-king flop put Klein into the lead with a set of kings.

The turn was a jack, giving Brown outs, and he hit his runner-runner gutshot straight with the 10 on the river. That eliminated Taylor and left Klein with a short stack. He exited soon after in 278th place.

The sick runout gave Brown a pot worth 3.14 million chips, one of the biggest of the tournament to that point, and he soared up the leaderboard. Brown unofficially had a top-50 chip stack at the dinner break Tuesday.

Contact David Schoen at dschoen@reviewjournal.com or 702-387-5203. Follow @DavidSchoenLVRJ on Twitter.

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