Piling on the costs

Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller kept up his war on small business owners and entrepreneurs this month, persuading the four Democrats — who out-voted the two Republicans — on the Nevada Legislative Subcommittee on Regulations to repeal the exemption from the state’s $200-a-year penalty for small, home-based businesses that dare to protect themselves legally by forming a corporation.

In bad economy, bus riders fear their number is up

Decisions are always based on numbers in a poor economy. For the Regional Transportation Commission, it means a $9 million budget gap that, thanks to some signs of improvement in sales tax revenue, was recently reduced to an $8.3 million gap.

Is moderation possible?

Juan Williams, Kathleen Parker and Norm Ornstein aren’t exactly soul mates, politically speaking, but they all have a similar message about moderation in politics.

Outdoor activities around Southern Nevada

Red Rock Canyon: On Monday, walk along an ancient sea bed and view wildlife and spring flowers on an easy, two-mile hike around the Moenkopi Loop; for ages 12 and older. On Wednesday, bring a camera and a tripod to explore the Pine Creek area and learn the basics of nature photography on an easy, 2½-mile hike.

Cerca: Step back in time, and enjoy present, in Kingman, Ariz.

Kingman, Ariz., is a town with many monikers — Route 66 stop, museum city, crossroads for the Hualapai people — where you’ll discover lots of interesting and often quirky facts.

A lost son’s kind spirit lives on

The thought of moving forward after losing a child is something only those who haven’t lost a child can easily grasp. For Drew and Barbara Stevens, whose 12-year-old son Josh died in an accident 3½ years ago, the concept is still lost on them.

Beauty trends make transition from runway to everyday

Spring beauty will have ladies puckering up. Not only to give lips a big, bright spotlight, but to kiss false lashes and blush goodbye. The look this season will be quick, easy and exciting.