What was lost, what was saved from the Notre Dame fire

More than simply an iconic cathedral and jewel of Gothic architecture, Notre Dame was a treasure trove, housing priceless and irreplaceable marvels of immense religious, artistic, musical, historical and architectural value.

What’s up with the Tiger-Phil rematch after that tweet?

Phil Mickelson ended his congratulatory tweet to with “#Rematch,” possibly a reference to “The Match” between the two last November at Shadow Creek.

Columbine attack shapes schools, families 20 years later

Dropping her kids off at school used to be the hardest part of Kacey Ruegsegger Johnson’s day. She would cry most mornings as they left the car, and relied on texted photos from their teachers to make it through the day.

California governor won’t block building in high-fire areas

A desire to live near nature is embedded in California’s ethos, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday as he explained why he doesn’t want to block home building near forested areas at high risk for wildfires.

Notre Dame fire out after 12 hours; rebuilding efforts mount

With the fire that broke out Monday evening and quickly consumed Notre Dame Cathedral, attention is turning to ensuring the structural integrity of the remaining building.