US carries out 1st execution of female inmate since 1953

A Kansas woman was executed Wednesday for strangling an expectant mother in Missouri and cutting the baby from her womb, the first time in nearly seven decades that the U.S. government has put to death a female inmate.

LETTER: Will Annie Black denounce the rhetoric?

Donald Trump has called on the most rabid of his followers to come to Washington to try to subvert the will of the people. It makes me wonder what Nevada Assemblywoman Annie Black was doing there.

LETTER: Free lunch at the Clark County School District

It may be true that 70 percent of Clark County School District students are provided lunch. But that does not mean that 70 percent of district students need free school lunches.

LETTER: Time to reign in Big Tech with federal regulation

Democracy dies in darkness. The most basic constitutional right includes free speech and the right to public assembly (whether in person or virtually). Big Tech apparently couldn’t care less.

CLARENCE PAGE: Pro-Trump protesters can be thieves, too

The Anger Industrial Complex describes the tangle of social, political and media systems that find profit in whipping up public anger.