LETTER: Joe can be childish, too

How adult was it when Mr. Biden told a room full of people that they “ain’t black” unless they vote for him?

EDITORIAL: Biden poised to repeat Obama’s stimulus mistake

Even the economic stimulus from massive federal spending can be limited by high levels of taxation and regulations. Don’t expect that to stop President-elect Joe Biden from trying those anyway.

CARTOON: Political fallout

The GOP faces the consequences of a Capitol riot that resulted in the deaths of five people including a police officer.

California surpasses 30K deaths during pandemic

California is closing in on 30,000 deaths from the coronavirus pandemic as hospitals scramble to find beds for severely ill patients during a continuing spike in COVID-19 case numbers.

Pelosi says House ‘will proceed’ to impeach Trump

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday the House will proceed with legislation to impeach President Donald Trump, calling him a threat to democracy after the deadly assault on the Capitol.

Arnold Schwarzenegger compares US Capitol mob to Nazis

He called for national unity and vowed his support for President-elect Joe Biden in the wake of the mobs and security breach at the U.S. Capitol.

Henderson-based Parler faces backlash from Amazon, Google and Apple

A Henderson-based social media company known for being a haven for the internet’s far right faces an unclear future after tech giants Google, Apple and Amazon pulled the plug on the platform.

2nd GOP senator says Trump should resign over Capitol insurrection

Two Republican senators now say President Donald Trump should resign as support for the drive to impeach him a second time is gaining momentum in his final days in office.