US women win bronze to end speedskating medal drought

The Americans had reason to celebrate Wednesday. They finally won a long-track speedskating medal at the Pyeongchang Olympics, ending a U.S. drought for the women dating to the 2002 Salt Lake City Games.

Florida shooting survivors meet lawmakers over gun control laws

Thousands of chanting students, including survivors of the Florida school shooting, rallied at the state Capitol on Wednesday, demanding changes to gun laws and threatening to remove Republicans who refuse to address new gun-control measures.

Safety gates were down in fatal train crash involving GOP lawmakers

Witnesses to a collision between a train carrying Republican congressmen and a garbage truck in rural Virginia have told investigators the truck entered the railroad crossing after safety gates came down to warn drivers about the approaching train.

Evangelist Billy Graham dies at age 99

The Rev. Billy Graham, who transformed American religious life through his preaching and activism, becoming the most widely heard Christian evangelist in history, died Wednesday. He was 99.

Uber says you soon might need to take a walk to get a ride

In eight U.S. cities, the ride-hailing company is rolling out a service called “Express Pool,” which links riders in the same area who want to travel to similar destinations.