Avalanche danger high across West, dozens dead

This has been an historically dangerous avalanche season, with 32 confirmed fatalities so far, primarily in the West.

UFO in New Mexico skies reported by passenger jet pilot

American Airlines has said one of its pilots flying a passenger jet sent a radio transmission reporting an unidentified object flying at high speeds in skies above northern New Mexico during a flight last Sunday from Cincinnati to Phoenix.

Costco raising starting wage to $16 an hour

Costco will increase its starting wage to $16 an hour, surpassing most of its main competitors

LETTER: A bleak future under Joe Biden

We had a president who put our interests first for four years, and we thrived. The next four years look bleak for America.

Sharp bettors back Jets in NFL futures odds

Perhaps based on a belief that Deshaun Watson will be traded to the Jets, sharp bettors at William Hill wagered on New York to win the AFC East, AFC and the Super Bowl.

US bombs facilities in Syria used by Iran-backed militia

The United States launched airstrikes in Syria on Thursday, targeting facilities near the Iraqi border used by Iranian-backed militia groups.

Senate ruling strikes minimum-wage increase in COVID-19 relief bill

The Senate parliamentarian has dealt a potentially lethal blow to Democrats’ drive to hike the minimum wage, deciding that the cherished progressive goal must fall from a massive COVID-19 relief bill the party is trying to speed through Congress, Democratic Senate aides said Thursday.