Groundhog Day, Phil to provide virtual forecast

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor the coronavirus will keep Punxsutawney Phil from emerging from his burrow to forecast whether there will be six more weeks of winter or an early spring.

CARTOON: Chug, chug

Operation warp speed has yet to reach warp speed.

LETTER: Impeachment trial necessary

Americans have a right to know the extent of then-President Donald Trump’s involvement in the events of Jan. 6.

McConnell rips Marjorie Taylor Greene over ‘loony lies’

Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell denounced newly elected Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Monday, calling the far-right Georgia Republican’s embrace of conspiracy theories and “loony lies” a “cancer for the Republican Party.”

Vegan food bank serves non-meat eaters in need

Assuming that the food insecurity plaguing Las Vegas and the country also is affecting the vegan community, Mindy Poortinga turned to social media to rally support for a plant-based food bank.