NEVADA VIEWS: Don’t criminalize kids’ independence

Kids have the right to some reasonable independence. And parents have the right to give it to them without being charged with neglect.

COMMENTARY: Time to end closed primary process in Nevada

Why do we deny some people the right to vote in primaries? The political parties use the taxpayer- funded primary election to whittle down their list of candidates, and non-party members are kept from voting for party candidates.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Our descent into collective madness

These are crazy times. A pandemic led to national quarantine; to self-induced recession; to riot, arson and looting; to a contested election; and to a riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Sex workers struggle amid pandemic shutdown of Nevada brothels

Legal brothels in the Silver State have been shuttered for nearly a year, leaving sex workers to offer less-lucrative alternatives like online dates or nonsexual escort services.

Skateboarding champ charged for hosting LA party amid pandemic

A skateboarding world champion is among five people prosecutors in Southern California have charged with organizing parties that were possible superspreader events amid the pandemic.

3 dead in gun store shooting in New Orleans suburb

A suspect fatally shot two people at a gun store in a suburb of New Orleans on Saturday afternoon, and the shooter also died during gunfire as others engaged the suspect both inside and outside the outlet, authorities said.

Debris falls from plane during emergency landing near Denver

The Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement that the Boeing 777-200 returned to the Denver International Airport after experiencing a right-engine failure.