Black, gay rights activists unite for Las Vegas march

Red shirts filled the grass behind the Clark County Government Center on Saturday evening as a group of more than 100 people came together in solidarity honoring the Stonewall Riots and the Black Lives Matter movement.

1 fatally shot at Breonna Taylor protest at park in Kentucky

Authorities were investigating a fatal shooting Saturday night at a park in downtown Louisville, Kentucky, where demonstrators had gathered to protest the death of Breonna Taylor.

Leaders push to remove John Wayne name, statue from California airport

In the latest move to change place names in light of U.S. racial history, leaders of Orange County’s Democratic Party are pushing to drop film legend John Wayne’s name, statue and other likenesses from the county’s airport because of his racist and bigoted comments.

Harvick takes first of two NASCAR Cup races at Pocono

Kevin Harvick won the first of two NASCAR Cup races this weekend at Pocono and will start 20th on Sunday with the field set by inverting the lead-lap finishers.

3 die in New Mexico from drinking hand sanitizer

The health department confirmed that the cases were related to alcoholism. Authorities have noted that people with substance abuse issues, particularly within the homeless community, have been known to use sanitizer and other products as a substitute for alcohol and liquor.

Mississippi takes step toward dropping rebel image from flag

Spectators at the Mississippi Capitol broke into applause Saturday as lawmakers took a big step toward erasing the Confederate battle emblem from the state flag, a symbol that has come under intensifying criticism in recent weeks amid nationwide protests against racial injustice.