Roger Penske buys Indianapolis Motor Speedway in landmark deal

Roger Penske was 14 years old when he fell in love with cars zipping around Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and now 68 years later, he owns the iconic speedway, its hallowed grounds, “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing,” the IndyCar Series and all its properties in a stunning deal announced Monday.

Probe: Phoenix Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s office ignored fed judge’s order

A court-appointed investigator concluded that high-ranking managers for former metro Phoenix Sheriff Joe Arpaio disregarded a federal judge’s order for Arpaio to halt immigration sweeps targeting Latinos.

LETTER: Don’t knock VA health care

I am a 72-year-old veteran who has only VA medical insurance. I would favor Medicare for All.

LETTER: Quid pro quo or extortion?

President Donald Trump was trying to serve his own interests, not the interests of the country.

CARTOON: Airline tragedies

Emails reveal Boeing was alerted to safety concerns prior to the deadly crashes.

Derek Carr shows maturity and smarts in win over Lions

In the past two games, Derek Carr has changed the trajectory of his season, and that of the Raiders. He has played outstanding football. None better than on Sunday.

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