Poker backing evolves into sophisticated economic market

Joe Cada is a high-profile example of poker backing, an often secretive economic system that many professional players say is essential to offset the expenses and unpredictability that accompany tournament poker.

Driver arrested for suspected DUI after crash kills 2 teens

The driver of an SUV involved in a northeast valley crash that left two people dead Saturday night was arrested on suspicion of DUI, Las Vegas police said.

Thousands of characters descend on Comic Con in Las Vegas

Scores of superheroes, comic book crime fighters and “Star Wars” characters swarmed the Las Vegas Convention Center on a mission to witness the sights and sounds of the fifth annual Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con.

Interior secretary to address group in Northern Nevada

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will visit Northern Nevada on Sunday to address a group that stirred controversy last year during the confirmation process for another member of President Donald Trump’s cabinet.

Customer feedback ignites rebound for IGT

Renato Ascoli, who became International Game Technology’s North America gaming and interactive CEO, arrived in Las Vegas from New England in 2015 where he was general manager of Gtech Corp., the company that acquired IGT, the world’s largest manufacturer of slot machines, for $6.4 billion.

COMMENTARY: The great Muslim civil war — and what it means for the United States

The Iranian-Russian strategy is a nightmare for the entire Sunni Middle East. And for us too. The Pentagon seems bent on preventing it. Hence the Tomahawk attack for crossing the chemical red line. Hence the recent fighter-bomber shoot-down.


Five months into Donald Trump’s administration, only the unwise doubt the president’s intelligence.

AARP a left-wing partisan organization

Well, I was once a member of AARP. About six or seven years ago, I canceled my membership because at that time they were pushing and promoting Obamacare.

UFC Fight Night 112 main card matchups

A breakdown of the fights on the main card of UFC Fight Night 112 on Sunday at Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, with picks from the Review-Journal’s Adam Hill and Heidi Fang.

Coyotes’ future doesn’t include coach Dave Tippett

While the hockey world was fixating on Las Vegas and what the Golden Knights were doing in the NHL Expansion Draft, weird things were happening in another part of the Southwest.

Child dies after near drowning at Cowabunga Bay

An uncle of 8-year-old Daquan Bankston who nearly drowned at Cowabunga Bay water park on June 18 confirmed that the child died Friday evening.

Super PAC plans $1 million ad buy targeting Heller

Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., faces possible backlash from America’s First Priorities, a super PAC run by former Trump advisers, after his announcement Friday that he would not support the current health care bill.

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