LETTER: The perils of public-sector unions

If Victor Joecks’ column on the teacher strike doesn’t slam people in the face with the fact that no taxpayer-funded entity should be allowed to unionize, nothing will.

LETTER: The sad repetition the Clark County School District

Once again, we find the Clark County School District embroiled in budgetary issues. Sadly, it seems to be the same old play we’ve seen over and over again.

CARTOON: Up in smoke

President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, refuses $22 million in aid to fight fires in the Amazon unless he gets an apology from French President Macron first.

Las Vegas planning coalition disbands after 20 years

Las Vegas Councilwoman Michele Fiore led the Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition in a 6-4 vote Tuesday to disband after 20 years, with its most important responsibility transferred to another agency.

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