LETTER: Biden wants to tax the corporations

President Joe Biden has pledged to raise taxes on corporations and to keep taxes on those making less than $400,000 the same. And guess who will ultimately pay?

LETTER: Biden revives failed Iran policy

In 2016, Barack Obama paid $400 million cash on pallets to Iran to release four American hostages. Now the price has gone up.

Cyberattack on vital US pipeline linked to criminal gang

The shutdown stretched into its third day, with the Biden administration saying an “all-hands-on-deck” effort is underway to restore operations and avoid disruptions in the fuel supply.

Las Vegas Aviators rally again to beat Sacramento

The Aviators came back from a 3-1 deficit, scoring a run in the fourth inning and four more in the sixth to defeat the Sacramento River Cats on Sunday at Las Vegas Ballpark.

Pierre du Pont IV dies; ran for president in 1988

Pierre S. “Pete” du Pont IV, a former Delaware governor and congressman who sought the Republican presidential nomination in 1988, has died. He was 86.

6 killed at Colorado birthday party shooting

The shooting happened just after midnight in a mobile home park on the east side of Colorado Springs, police said.