LETTER: A political farce perpetrated by Democrats

Constitutionally, I’m led to believe the impeachment trial must be presided over by the chief justice of the Supreme Court — which in this case did not happen.

LETTER: Romney plan to pay parents for children a great idea

The proposal by Mitt Romney of direct payments to parents in lieu of food stamps, welfare payments, child tax credits and other failed federal programs fraught with fraud, red tape and glitches is genius.

EDITORIAL: Criminal justice reform should address civil forfeiture

The time has come for a strong bill acknowledging the clear due process and property rights issues inherent in civil forfeiture and ensuring that nobody loses their property based on the mere suspicion of criminal activity.

LETTER: Doubting my own country

As a retired Air Force master sergeant, I ask myself: Is this a country I would die for? Next I ask: Is what the left wants to make America something I would die for?